Flowed Spec

Version 1.0.0-rc.1


This document defines the standard specification for flow definitions in [Flowed] format, shortly named "Flowed documents".

This specification (from now on called "Flowed Spec") is versioned using Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.


List of relevant definitions of terms and phrases used in this document applicable in this context.

Flowed: A configurable task executor engine to manage dependencies automatically, maximizing parallelism. Task are ran by providing a Flowed Document to the engine.

Task: Minimal unit of execution for [Flowed] flows.

Flow: A flow definition represented by a document that follows this specification.

Flowed Document: A JSON document that follows this specification.



All Flowed documents with no version specification are by default in version 1.0.0. Future versions of this specification will have the possibility to specify the version in Flowed documents.


The Flowed documents are JSON documents that conform the schema defined in the section "Schema" of this document.

All the string values and object keys in a Flowed document are case-sensitive.



Root object of the Flowed document.


Name Type Required Description
tasks Map<TaskCode, TaskSpec> No A map with all the tasks definitions of the flow, following the specification of TaskSpec. The keys of this map are the unique identifiers of each task definition, in this context called "task codes". These keys follow the specification of TaskCode. The order of the tasks definitions in this object is irrelevant.
options FlowedOptions No Object to specify running options for this flow definition.


Task definition specification. A task definition object represents a unit of execution in the flow context that can be run 0, 1 or more times, depending on the flow definition, the execution parameters, and each particular execution evolution. The predictability of execution (or non-execution) of each task depends on how the entire flow is defined.


Name Type Required Description
requires Array<ValueName> No List of value names required for the task execution. These value names follow the specification of ValueName. The order of the value names is irrelevant.
provides Array<ValueName> No List of value names expected to be provided by the task execution on its termination. These value names follow the specification of ValueName. The order of the value names is irrelevant. Task executions are not required to provide all the specified values in this list, but additional values cannot be provided. If a task implementation returns additional unknown values, they are ignored outside of the scope of the task, without altering the execution of the flow.
defaultResult AnyValue No Value to be returned for all non-provided value names in the provides list. If defaultResult is not specified, the non-provided values are not supplied. If the value given in defaultResult is a pointer (for example, a JavaScript object reference), the same pointer is returned for all non-provided values. In other words, no copies of the default result value are made.
resolver TaskResolverSpec No Specification of the resolver for the task. Holds the required information to find the code unit that executes (resolves) the task, and map the input parameters and output results.


Values used as identifiers for the tasks in the flow scope. These identifiers are called "task codes". The tasks codes follows the specification of Identifiers.


Identifiers of the values or tokens going through the flow as input parameters and/or output results. The value names follows the specification of Identifiers.


string values used as identifiers in different parts of a Flowed document. The identifiers in [Flowed] must follow these rules:

  • Length: from 1 to 64 inclusive.
  • Valid characters: Letters in [a-z, A-Z], digits ([0-9]), underscore (_) and hyphen (-).


Object with options to configure parameters of execution for the flow. They are not intended to be modified between different executions, since they are considered part of the flow specification. Implementations of this specification like the official one, can support additional execution parameters to control details of individual executions for the same flow.


Name Type Required Description
throwErrorOnUnsolvableResult boolean No Indicates if an error must be thrown when a task does not provide some of the results declared in its provides list. When such errors are thrown, the flow execution is interrupted. Defaults to false.
resolverAutomapParams boolean No Indicates if input parameters passed to the resolver should be mapped automatically to the value names in the requires list. Defaults to false.
resolverAutomapResults boolean No Indicates if input results given by the resolver should be mapped automatically to the value names in the provides list. Defaults to false.


Literally any possible value valid in the ECMAScript specification (in the version where the flow engine is run) that can be referenced by a variable. It should be taking into account that, even when any reference-able ECMAScript value can be used as a value in a flow execution, flow states will be able to be serializable only when all its values are serializable.



Name Type Required Description
name ResolverName Yes The name that identifies the resolver class or function to execute (resolve) the task. The same resolver could be used in any number of tasks in the same flow
params TaskParamsMap No The map where task parameters are provided. It maps flow value, literal values or transformations of them into task parameters by name
results TaskResultsMap No The map where task results are retrieved. It maps task results into flow values by name


Identifiers of resolver classes or functions that are executed to run a task. All tasks in a flow must have a resolver identified by its name. The resolver names could have two formats:

  • Simple: Following the specification of Identifier. For example: "CallApi", "MergeResults", "calculateAvg".
  • Namespaced: Formed by an Identifier, followed by "::" and then another Identifier. No spaces are admitted between those parts. For example: "flowed::Echo", "flowed::Conditional", "MyCustomLib::Any".


A map with of the form Map<Identifier, ParamValueSpec>. The Identifiers used as keys should match the keys of the object taken as parameter by the resolver. The values in the map specify how the parameter values are generated to be passed to the resolver.


Name Type Required Description
{paramName}: Identifier ParamValueSpec No The specifications of the value or transformation to be mapped to the "paramName" task parameter.


The specification of a flow value, literal value or transformation used to be passed to a task as parameter. One of:

  • ValueName: A reference to one of the values in the requires clause.
  • ParamValueSpecLiteral: An object of the form { "value": <aValue> }, where "" is any value that follows the spec AnyValue and represents the literal value to be used as a task parameter.
  • ParamValueSpecTransform: An object of the form { "transform": <aTransformation>}, where "" is any Flowed ST transformation template that represents the transformation to be evaluated and then used as a task parameter.


A map with of the form Map<Identifier, AnyValue>. The Identifiers used as keys should match the keys of the object returned as result by the resolver. The values in the map specify how the result values are passed to the flow as flow values.


Name Type Required Description
{paramName}: Identifier AnyValue No The specifications of the value or transformation to be mapped to the "paramName" task parameter


This spec is versioned under the MIT license. Note that this license applies to the Flowed Spec, which is not the same as the Node.js Flowed implementation.


Flowed Spec versions and revisions. Note that this versions correspond to the Flowed Spec and not to the Flowed Node.js implementation.

Version Change
1.0.0-rc.1 Created first revision