
Structurepedia is a hybrid between a search engine and an online encyclopaedia which generates, for any topic you want, an interactive, resource-rich and AI powered diagram/mind-map.


Structurepedia is a hybrid between a search engine and an online encyclopaedia which generates, for any topic you want, an interactive, resource-rich and AI powered diagram/mind-map.

Just try it out!


Two issues plague self-guided online exploration

Lack of structure and context

Books, blog posts, videos etc. aim to convey knowledge as a largely unstructured stream of information. The presence of structured representations such as diagrams, timelines etc. is treated as optional and secondary. The user has to parse the information into a structured hierarchy of relationships to build the information into fungible knowledge.

Random walk

Search or recommender engines suggest resources that are identical or only very closely related to the thing you currently searched/are looking at. Charting your own path through a new topic you are trying to learn becomes a random walk in a dark forest, in which you lack an overview or guiding principle.


Offer a new way to approach, navigate and learn complex topics, effectively blending a search engine and an online encyclopedia into a structured, AI powered learning environment that aims to transmit knowledge more effectively than traditional media and platforms.


A search engine that returns results as a structured and AI powered interactive diagram integrated with traditional resources.


You search for a topic -> Structurepedia returns a visual diagram -> quickly get an overview over a topic.



  • You can select each node in the tree, and you will see all the attached resources appearing on the right
  • You can navigate the general architecture or go deep into the subject to the level you need.

There are different chart types to visualize the diagram.





Each node is equipped with different types of resources, as for example:

  • Short overview
  • Wikipedia page
  • Long description of the topic
  • ChatBot primed on the topic
  • many more coming soon!

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Let the AI do the heavy lifting. Structurepedia automatically creates these diagrams for you!
