
This software is able to generate several school tests, eventually all different from each other.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

School Test Generator

This software is able to generate several school tests, all different from each other and created from two different configuration files, which grant flexibility to the program. These are made to be printed or sent via mail to the students, since these files are thought to create written school tests. As a consequence no automatic correction was developed, since the answers may be given on paper or through various specific files to deliver.

The differences in the tests consist in random numerical values or random strings picked from a user-defined set. The generated values don't change if the program is executed multiple times but they may change if some basic data of the test are modified.


  1. Required installed software

  2. How to run

  3. Example of use

  4. How it works

  5. How to create users.json

    5.1. students.json

    5.2. anonymous_users.json

  6. How to create text.json

    6.1. The parameter votes

    6.2. The parameter arguments

  7. How to add standard stuff

    7.1. Adding a new question type

    7.2. Adding a new student's type

    7.3. Adding a new grades format

    7.4. Adding a new language

    7.5. Adding a new sentence

    7.6. Adding new test rules

  8. Author

  9. License

1. Required software

This software was written using Python 3.8 with the package PyLaTeX. It also requires an installed version of LaTeX, which has to have all the necessary packages downloaded. One of the major source of errors in the first execution is the lack of some LaTeX packages or, in some version, of the Perl language installation.

In case the user doesn't want to install LaTeX, the program works anyway generating just the .tex file, which can then be compiled through, for instance, Overleaf.

2. How to run

This program needs two JSON file names in input:

  • A JSON file containing all the information related to the users;
  • A JSON file containing all the information related to the test.

There are two types of users:

  • Named users: in this case the tests will be generated with the students name fields already compiled;
  • Anonymous users: the tests name fields will be left blank, so they will be filled by hand.

This is the command structure to execute the program, given -h as parameter:

usage: main.py [-h] [-s STUDENTS_PATH | -a USERS_PATH] TEST_PATH

The argument TEST_PATH indicates the path where the test JSON configuration file is located, while STUDENTS_PATH and USERS_PATH define the ones related to the users' file. Because of this definition, the program is able to generate one type at once.

The used interpreter has to have installed all the required Python packages.

3. Example of use

The folder sample contains some JSON files that show all the available features of this software and two examples of the generated PDF files.

4. How it works

This software's structure is generic and allows easy and fast modification directly in the code. Its main core is represented by a function that does these operations:

  • It extracts the information from the two JSONs, storing them in apposite structures and decorating them with various data in order to avoid endless nested sequences of ifs.
  • For each student, it calls a proper function that generates a single test following school directives regarding their different needs.
  • It creates a different file containing all the random values used in the test for each student, in order to simplify correction.

The function that generates a single test in function of the student calls other ones, specific for this type of test. In order to change the behaviour of the generator, it's necessary to modify these invocations.

In case the anonymous users are requested, the program follows the same points defined before, but it avoids the completion of the name fields. With this configuration is possible to generate different tests according to various special needs.

Further and detailed information are given in the generator package.

5. How to create users.json

5.1 students.json

This file contains all the information related to the students, represented as objects in an array. These are composed by three fields: name, surname, and mod. This last modifies the behaviour of the generation in function of the student needs, in order to follow the directives the school decided for each situation. The allowed modifiers are: more_time, optional_questions, allow_notes and bigger_font. They can be expressed through an array, independent by their quantity, or through a direct specification if just one is required. This is an example of a student:

    "name": "Hello",
    "surname": "World",
    "mod": "more_time"

5.2 anonymous_users.json

This file works similarly to the previous one; the only difference is that the names and the surnames are not specified. This is an example of an anonymous student without modifiers:

    # No data is needed

6. How to create text.json

This file contains all the configurations referring to the school test, consequently it has a lot of parameters, these are the single value ones (if not specified, they're strings):

  • subject: this contains the school subject's name;
  • subtitle: this contains the test's argument;
  • language: this is the language of the document and it is used to import the related properties file;
  • class: this is the class which the students belong to;
  • years: this is the current academic year;
  • date: this is the test date;
  • logo: this is the school logo path;
  • duration (int): this is the standard test duration in minutes;
  • more_time_duration (optional, int): this is the duration for the students who need more time and it is set equal to the previous if not specified;
  • extra_point (optional, boolean): if set and true, it enables the generation of an extra point for answers graphical order and for the rules respect;
  • open_book (optional, boolean): if set and true, the software prints the rule allows the use of notes and books;
  • single_files (optional, boolean): if this is set true, the program generates one PDF for each student instead of a single file containing all the tests;
  • out_folder: (optional, string) this is the directory where all the files have to be placed and, if not set, it uses the actual one;
  • extra_params (optional, array): this field contains an array of strings, representing some external things to evaluate for giving the grade, like homework or projects;
  • test: (array) this is the part that contains the questions and it's implemented as a list of argument object, defined later in subsection 6.2.

This is an example of these parameters, except for test:

"subject": "Test subject",
"subtitle": "Subtitle",
"language": "English",
"class": "class name",
"years": "2019 - 2020",
"date": "13/12/2019",
"logo": "../images/school_logo.png",
"duration": 60,
"more_time_duration": 70,
"extra_point": true,
"open_book": false,
"single_files": false,
"out_folder": "sample",
"extra_params": ["Project"]

6.1. The parameter votes

This section is used to generate the table to convert earned points to a vote in tenths. It is composed of two parameters:

  • min (int): this specifies the minimum allowed vote and its related points through the fields vote and up_to inside of it.
  • max (int): this specifies the maximum allowed vote and its related points through the fields vote and from inside of it.

The intermediate votes inside the two limiters are computed runtime.

This example defines that the minimum grade is 2, gained with at most two points, while the maximum is 10, gained with ten points or more.

"votes": {
    "min": {
        "vote": 2,
        "up_to": 2
    "max": {
        "vote": 10,
        "from": 10

6.2. The parameter arguments

This is the section that contains the real test and all its questions. It is organized as an array of arguments, which represent a big section, where each of them contains a set of questions.

An argument is composed by an argument_name and an array of questions. These lasts can differ a lot from one another, according on their apposite parameter's specifications, consequently they may have different fields. These are the ones in common:

  • type: this defines the question's category;
  • optional (optional, boolean): declares the question as optional for the students who need fewer questions;
  • points (optional, int): defines the value in points of the question and is set on one by default.

If the argument has a description, this can be set through argument_text. If it's necessary to shuffle the questions in an argument, the flag shuffle has to be set to true. These fields are both optional.

The types no_space_question and types spaced_question

These two types indicate simple open questions where the student has to write the answer. The only difference between these is that the second provides an additional space under the question, while the first one doesn't. These are the common fields:

  • text: this contains the question in form of string or in form of strings array. It can contain several %n that will be substituted with a random value chosen according to the rules of the following point.
  • values (array): this field, optional if the text doesn't contain any %n, specifies the policies to follow for the value to substitute. For each token in the text it is necessary specify one policy. There are three policies, stored in the parameter type:
    • int: this generates an integer between the given interval [min, max];
    • float: this generates a float between the given interval [min, max] with the specified number of digits;
    • set: this specifies the value picked randomly in a set, stored in the array field set.

This is the code for generating a question containing a random int and a random float. The first belongs to [0, 40] the second to [-10, -1] with two decimal digits.

    "type": "no_space_question",
    "text": "int: %n, float %n",
    "values": [
            "type": "int",
            "min": 0,
            "max": 40
            "type": "float",
            "min": -10,
            "max": -1,
            "digits": 2

The type spaced_question requires an additional integer field named row where the specification of an integer number of rows to leave for the answer is necessary.

7. How to add standard stuff

Here there are some explanations on how to extend the software for the most common needs.

7.1. Adding a new question type

The first thing to do is to add it in the QuestionType enum in enums.py, then explain to the program how to parse it. Consequently, in the class Question in Argument.py, the constructor offers a simple way to add it, using its ifs structure. In the constructor it's possible to parse new JSON fields but it's mandatory to set the field __print_question with an enum and a student's type that prints in the enum the question as parameters. The second parameter can be used if it's necessary differentiate the question according to the student's type. It's important to remember that the specification of the points value and if the question may be mandatory in the generation. The two already implemented question can be an example.

7.2. Adding a new modifier

After adding it in Modifier in enums.py, the next step strictly depends on which is the effect of this new modifier. All the questions, before being generated, can receive some flags related to these as parameter and this can be exploited to generate different versions of the question, in case there are students that need optional questions.

7.3. Adding a new grades format

In test_support.py, in the last rows, there is an object that translates a float vote in a more conventional representation. By modifying that, the program would be able to support other types of grades.

7.4. Adding a new language

Adding a new language is pretty easy, since it's only necessary to create a property file, naming it with the language of reference, putting it in the languages folder and then translating all the sentences. After this modification, the two JSON files can be written directly in the new language, the program will automatically adapt to it.

The string used to specify the language for the properties file is also used to specify it for the LaTeX file.

7.5. Adding a new sentence

A sentence is a phrase used in the program that can be translated in different languages. For adding a new one, after having put the new properties in the apposite file, it has to be imported as a constant in the sentences.py file. Then, it can be used as the other ones. The only drawback is that, after having added a new sentence to the Python file, the program will require it for all the languages.

7.6 Adding new test rules

In the properties file, it's possible add new rules in the section named UserRules. Their names are ignored by the program, they only need to be disjoint.

8. Author

This software was developed by Borgo Daniele in range(2019, 2021+1).

9. License

This software is distributed on GPLv3.0, more information available in LICENSE.md.