$ cargo run --release -- --help
$ cargo run --release games/PONG
The original CHIP-8 had 16 virtual keys had the layout on the left, which has been mapped (by default) to the keyboard layout on the right:
1 2 3 C 1 2 3 4
4 5 6 D This is emulated with these Q W E R
7 8 9 E keyboard keys --> A S D F
A 0 B F Z X C V
To play PONG use Q and 1 to move the bar on the left up and down and 4 and R for bar on the right.
The flickering is caused by how the interpreter draws sprites onto the screen.
In particular, it performs a bitwise xor between the vram and the sprite to
draw. This ends up in flickering when drawing a sprite over an existing sprite
(1 ^ 1 = 0