
Primary LanguageRust


Lart is a library for generating 2D vector art in Rust meant to be plotted.

It provides a set of primitives geometric types and operations on them alongside a "canvas" to draw on.

Here's an example that showcases:

  • automatic command line generation and parsing via the sketch_parms! macro
  • boolean operations on geometries (union, intersection, difference)
  • polygon buffering
# use lart::*;

sketch_parms! {
    lines: u8 = 2,
    points: u16 = 10,

fn main() {
    let parms = Parms::from_cli();
    let mut doc = Sketch::new("example").with_page(Page::A6);

    let bbox = doc.page_bbox();

    let mut drawn = Geometry::new();

    for _ in 0..parms.lines {
        let mut p = Path::new();
        for _ in 0..parms.points {
            p.push(V::in_rect(&mut doc, &bbox));
        let g = Geometry::from(p).buffer(-2.0);
        let g = g - &drawn;
        drawn = drawn | &g;


To run a sketch you can run it from the command line and the svg is automatically saved in a wip/<sketch_name>/ directory. The parameters defined with the sketch_parms! macro are automatically parsed as long command line options.

$ cargo run --example chaotic_hex
$ cargo run --example chaotic_hex -- --iterations 200 --page A5

Check out the lart-sketches directory for more usage patterns.


lart also provides an interactive viewer in Rust based on vsvg that allows to quickly change the parameters of the sketch via an autogenerated GUI.

To use it run it from the command line providing it the command to run

$ cargo run --release --bin lart-viewer -- cargo run --example chaotic_hex --

Note that if you pass a cargo run invocation the sketch will be automatically re-compiled each time the source changes.