Harvest Time Entry Aggregator

This application will pull time entry records from Harvest and aggregate the types of hours to validate paystubs.


  • Automatic last pay period calculations (no parameters)
  • Detect week days with no hours


  • Overtime = Any hours over 7.5 on a weekday or any hours on a weekend
  • Stat = Hours recorded against the stat task
  • Holiday = Hours recorded against the holiday task

Setting up the App

  • Install NodeJS
  • Configure the .ENV file for your Harvest account information and place it in the root directory. A sample .env is provided in the 'sample' folder.

Running the App

You know the drill, clone the repo, install dependancies and run index.js

    git clone https://github.com/danielegli/harvest-aggregator.git
    cd harvest-aggregator
    npm install
    node index.js


The application does take a few command line flags

  • --to='YYYY-mm-dd': Is used as the start date for the aggregation. If no parameter is provided, the first day of the last pay period is used
  • --from='YYYY-mm-dd': Is used as the finish date for the aggregation. If no parameter is provided, the last day of the last pay period is used