Little free and open source app for Android that intercepts the VIEW intent for text/calendar files and allows to add it to the calendar
- 128jku9j
- 547453396nanjing
- abanger
- achinvermaIndia
- aiyagariRed Hat
- Arbrih
- azzkickr
- Corsage@fortinet
- danielegobbettiFreelance
- DrAnnaFoy
- dschuermann
- empjustineDiagnosticos da America SA
- engasmaamustafa
- flokar
- GitoffthelawnManagement / UX / UI / AI / Neural Nets / Testing / Automation / Documentation
- jermaineharris
- LucaRainoneBolzano (Italy)
- mehdokmehdok
- micressor
- raghunandankavi2010Android @ Jio Platforms Limitted
- saurabhudeshi
- TakhionBerlin, Germany
- tiwiz@google
- wahidmounir