
Solutions for https://adventofcode.com/2020 in elixir-lang

Primary LanguageElixir

Elixir Advent of Code 2020

Solutions for https://adventofcode.com/2020 in elixir-lang (https://elixir-lang.org/)


Get dependencies and run tests with

$ mix deps.get
$ mix test

Challenge solutions are in tests as assertions:

defmodule Advent1Test do
  use ExUnit.Case

  test "resolve level" do
    assert Advent1.resolve == 181044


To use temporary dev docker container

$ docker run --rm -itv $PWD:/app -w /app elixir:alpine sh
# mix deps.get
# mix test

or just run tests

$ docker run --rm -itv $PWD:/app -w /app elixir:alpine mix test