
Openchat kata in Elixir with cowboy and commanded framework

Primary LanguageElixir

Open Chat Backend Kata

Develop a rest backend for the Open Chat project following api specification in material/APIs.yaml.

About this Kata

This Kata is used by Robert C. Martin and Sandro Mancuso in "London vs. Chicago" cleancoders serie:

Application start

To start your server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Start application with mix run --no-halt

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Docker dev container

Start it with ..

$ docker run --rm -itp 4000:4000 -v $PWD:/app -w /app elixir:1.10-alpine sh

.. into the container get deps, compile

$ mix deps.get
$ mix compile

.. and finally run test with

$ mix test

Start Cowboy server via exposed 4000 port with

$ mix run --no-halt

Dev notes

  • make Router.normalize/1 safe with not-binary keys
  • extract common assertions on json or text response
  • extract endpoint test case with common setup
  • upgrading to elixir:1.11 docker dev image, logger level seems ignored and test executions are polluted with tons of commanded logs

Dev resources