
Intercepts packet from OWL Intuition and parses them

Primary LanguagePHP


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###Description owl-packet-interceptor is a PHP library which intercepts and parses XML packets sent via UDP by an OWL Monitor.

To do so you first need to change the Data Push Settings on your OWL Intuition Dashboard providing IP address and port where you will install owl-packet-interceptor.

At the moment owl-packet-interceptor is able to handle packets coming from these devices:

###Structure owl-packet-interceptor is divided in four main packages:

  • Packet: Classes into which the packet is unmarshalled. The Packet package contains a sub-package for each kind of packet sent from OWL devices, for now only the Electricity and Solar packets type are supported. Each packet is represented by a main class (Electricity.php for electricity, Solar.php for solar) which implements the IPacket interface.
  • Listener: Contains the UDP Listener which intercepts packets sent from the device.
  • Parser: Contains the classes which are used to extract data from the XML packet. Each parser implements the interface IParser.
  • Storage: Contains the classes which handle the Packet representation. Each storage class implements the IStorage interface.


  • the Listener intercepts a new packet,
  • the Parser extract data from the packet and build a new Packet object,
  • the Packet object in handled by the Storage

###Getting started

Create a new folder and move into it

Install owl-packet-interceptor

$ composer require dalen/owl-packet-interceptor:dev-master

Create a new php file, say App.php, and write something like:



use Dalen\OWLPacketInterceptor\Listener\UDPListener;
use Dalen\OWLPacketInterceptor\Storage\StdOutStorage;
use Dalen\OWLPacketInterceptor\Parser\Parser;

// create listener on port 8000
$listener = new UDPListener('',8000);
// create a new parser
$parser = new Parser();
// create standard output storage (outputs on the console) 
$storage = new StdOutStorage();

// listen for new packets
    // pass the XML string to the parser
    // make the storage handle the Packet object extracted by the parser

Run App.php

$ php App.php

Open a new shell and try to send a packet

$ echo -n "<electricity id='AA12345679'><signal rssi='-86' lqi='91'/><battery level='100%'/><chan id='0'><curr units='w'>1288.00</curr><day units='wh'>9904.89</day></chan></electricity>" | nc -4u -q1 8000 > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &

App.php should print

This is an Electricity Packet

Now you're ready to write your own Storage!
