
A BigBrotherBot plugin which feature geolocation data

Primary LanguagePython

Geolocation Plugin for BigBrotherBot BigBrotherBot


A BigBrotherBot plugin which introduces geolocation capabilities. This plugin is meant to be used as subplugin since it doesn't provide commands or visual reaction to B3 events. The plugin intercepts new clients connection and retrieve geolocation data using multiple data sources:

NOTE: since B3 v1.10.1 beta this plugin has been included in the standard plugins set, thus all patches and updates will be performed in the official B3 repository.

For plugin developers

To notify other plugins of client geolocation being completed, two events are being fired:

  • EVT_CLIENT_GEOLOCATION_SUCCESS : when the geolocation succeeds
  • EVT_CLIENT_GEOLOCATION_FAILURE : when the geolocation fails

When the geolocation succeed a new attribute is added the the b3.clients.Client object: location. This attribute will hold all the geolocation data the plugin could retrieve:

  • client.location.country : the country name
  • client.location.region : the region name
  • client.location.city : the city name
  • client.location.cc : the two letter country code
  • client.location.rc : the two letter region code
  • client.location.isp : the Internet Service Provider name
  • client.location.lat : the latitude value
  • client.location.lon : the longitude value
  • client.location.timezone : the timezone string
  • client.location.zipcode : the postal code

NOTE #1 : when EVT_CLIENT_GEOLOCATION_FAILURE is fired client.location is set to None
NOTE #2 : when the plugin cannot retrieve a specific geolocation value, its attribute is set to None


Latest version available here.


This plugin is meant to work only with B3 version 1.10dev or higher. No 1.9.x version will be released since the plugin makes use of some new B3 core features which have been added in version 1.10 development branch.


Simply drop the geolocation directory into b3/extplugins. B3 will automatically load the plugin if needed. If you want you can load the plugin in b3 main configuration file but it's not mandatory.


1.3 - 2015/03/20 - Fenix

  • reworked external module imports
  • renamed Locator class (and all inherited ones) into Geolocator: updated module name
  • moved GeoIP.dat file into lib/geoip/db folder

1.2 - 2015/03/19 - Fenix

  • minor code changes to respect PEP8 constraints
  • import single locators classes instead of importing the whole module

1.1 - 2015/03/17 - Fenix

1.0 - 2015/03/12 - Fenix

  • initial release


If you have found a bug or have a suggestion for this plugin, please report it on the B3 forums.

Build Status Code Health