Course project for "Getting and Cleaning Data"
All the work is performed in run_analysis.R.
The original data is downloaded (if not already present) and unzipped in the
work directory.
Unzipping creates the "UCI HAR Dataset" directory containg all
the data files. When referring to a data file in the following we will always
assume it is in this directory.
The features.txt file is read to obtain all the feature names.
These are transformed to lower case, have all the non-alphanumeric characters
removed (a "," is substituted with the word "to") and have eventual errors
removed ("bodybody" is substituted with "body").
Example: "tGravityAcc-mean()-Y" becomes "tgravityaccmeany".
Transformation is accomplished using the stringr function str_replace_all.
The transformed names will be used as column names
when reading the features measurements files.
The test dataset is read from the test/X_test.txt (feature measurements), test/y_test.txt (activities) and test/subject_test.txt (subjects) files. Observations in the 3 files are identified by their row number: data from the same observation would be found at the same row in each of the 3 files.
The train dataset is read applying the same logic (files would be found under the train subdirectory).
The test and train dataset are concatenated and transformed into a dplyr data frame tbl.
From this complete dataset we select only the columns pertaining to the mean or
standard deviation from a feature measurements.
These are selected using a
regular expression (further explained in the run_analysis.R commented code).
Variables where the words "mean" or "std" do not appear at the end of the name
have been excluded as in this case the variable would not be a mean or a
standard deviation of a feature measurement but instead the feature itself is a
mean or standard variation. Also mean frequencies have been excluded.
e.g. "tgravityaccmeanx" is included but "fbodyaccmeanfreqz" has been excluded.
Similarly angle measurements have been excluded as they have been estimated
using a signal processing technique inconsistent with the technique used for
the time and frequency component measurements. (Also it is unclear from the
features_info.txt documentation whether the angle measurements are themselves
means or not).
The resulting dataset is enriched with the activity labels from activity_labels.txt using "activityid" as the key in an inner join operation. The "activityid" column is then removed as no longer useful.
A second independent dataset is created averaging each feature by subject and
This is accomplished using the gather and spread functions from
the tidyr package and the group_by and summarize functions from the
dplyr package.
First the dataset is made into a "skinny" tall table
containing the activity, subjectid, feature name and value for each feature.
Then the average value is taken across rows with the same activity, subjectid
and feature name.
Finallly the dataset is cast back into a "fat" table by
turning each feature name back into a column whose value is given by the
average just taken.
The dataset thus obtained is saved to disk.
The final dataset is tidy in the sense that:
- each variable forms a column
- each row forms an observation
- the dataset contains only one kind of observation and only one table
Hadley Wickham, Tidy Data.
Hadley Wickham, stringr R package.
Hadley Wickham, dplyr R package.
Hadley Wickham, tidyr R package.