

Generate worlds from pointclouds

Use softxels-voxelizer to create a world from a PLY. Then just drag & drop the BIN over the viewer window.

npm install -g softxels-voxelizer
softxels-voxelizer -i "input.ply" -o "output.bin"

Dev environment

# clone this repo
git clone
cd softxels-viewer
# install dev dependencies
npm install
# start the dev environment:
npm start
# open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser

Build with custom config

By default, it will use & but you can also specify your own:

/* myconfig.js */
export default {
  autoUpdateRenderRadius: false, // Enables loading/unloading of chunks as the camera moves.
  enableDragAndDrop: false, // Enables/Disables Drag & Drop of world files.
  initialWorldURL: false, // URL of a world file to be initially loaded (or false for none).
  renderRadius: 10, // Radius around the camera that chunks are loaded when autoUpdateRenderRadius is enabled.
  worldMenu: [ // Displays a menu to load worlds
    { name: 'Example', url: '' },
# start a dev environment with that config
CONFIG=/path/to/myconfig.js npm run start

# or just build a production bundle with that config
CONFIG=/path/to/myconfig.js npm run build