Code and Data for '' Causal Effect Identification in LiNGAM Models with Latent Confounders''.


Recreate environment:

conda env create -f requirements.yml
conda activate experiments
conda install -c anaconda ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=experiments


Identifiability Certification

  • The code to run the algorithms described in the paper can be found in Certification/cert_utils.ipynb.
  • To reproduce the figures in the paper, please see the Jupiter Notebook Certification/Identifiability_plots.ipynb.

Causal Effect Estimation

  • The algorithms for estimation of the causal effects implemented in Estimation/src/python and Estimation/src/matlab.
  • To reproduce the results one can run the jupyter-notebooks Estimation/main_laplace.ipynb and Estimation/main_exponential.ipynb. Please note that:
    • RICA algorithm is implemented in matlab. Therefore installed matlab is required to reproduce all the results. Please change the value of variable RUN_MATLAB to False in jupyter-notebooks to reproduce the results of all other algorithms except RICA.


See LICENSE for more information.


Daniele Tramontano, Yaroslav Kivva, Saber Salehkaleybar, Mathias Drton, Negar Kiyavash.