
Utility library that integrates the Amazon SQS offering with the Dropwizard REST framework.

Primary LanguageJava


Latest release on Maven Central: http://search.maven.org/#browse%7C1558661453


sqs-dropwizard is a utility library that integrates the Amazon SQS offering with the Dropwizard REST framework. It contains convenience classes for sending messages to - and receiving from - SQS queues while being managed by the Dropwizard framework.

Getting started

  • Add the following settings to your configuration yaml file:
# Amazon SQS settings.
  awsAccessKeyId: ...
  awsSecretKey: ...
  awsRegion: ...

sqsListenQueueUrl: https://sqs...
  • Add the SQS factory and the listen queue URL to your configuration class:
    private SqsFactory sqsFactory;

    private String sqsListenQueueUrl;

    public SqsFactory getSqsFactory() {
        return sqsFactory;

    public void setSqsFactory(SqsFactory sqsFactory) {
        this.sqsFactory = sqsFactory;

    public String getSqsListenQueueUrl() {
        return sqsListenQueueUrl;

    public void setSqsListenQueueUrl(String sqsListenQueueUrl) {
        this.sqsListenQueueUrl = sqsListenQueueUrl;
  • Extend the MessageHandler class and process the messages that you expect to receive in the handle() method (you can register multiple MessageHandler instances with the queue listener):
package ...;

import io.interact.sqsdw.MessageHandler;

public class MessageHandlerImpl extends MessageHandler {

	public MessageHandlerImpl() {

    public void handle(Message message) {
		// Message processing here.

  • Register the queue listener in the run() method of your application class (you can inject the constructor arguments into an SqsListenerImpl instance with Guice):
    public void run(IlinkSfdcConfiguration conf, Environment env) {
        final AmazonSQS sqs = conf.getSqsFactory().build(env);

        final MessageHandler handler = ...

        final Set<MessageHandler> handlers = new HashSet<>();
        final SqsListener sqsListener = new SqsListenerImpl(sqs, conf.getSqsListenQueueUrl(), handlers);

        env.healthChecks().register("SqsListener", new SqsListenerHealthCheck(sqsListener));
  • Send messages to SQS from your client with the MessageDispatcher helper class:
MessageDispatcher.dispatch(yourData, queueUrl, "MyMessageType", sqs);

That's it!

Dispatched messages of type "MyMessageType" will be handled by your MessageHandlerImpl class now. You can loosely couple clients and message handlers by using several message types in your application(s).

You'll now have an extra health check called "SqsListener" that monitors the health of your queue.