
Discord bot that manages user roles using slash commands.

Primary LanguagePython

Discord bot that assigns roles using slash commands


Python code snippet with the code needed to give a Discord bot the functionality to add roles to the user who invoked the slash command.


  1. Assign the bot's Token to the constant TOKEN.
  2. Add the IDs of the Discord servers on which the bot will act to GUILD_IDS (list of int).
  3. Add as many create_choice as needed with their name and value parameters.


  • Only the functionality of adding roles is included. To remove roles, a similar function would be used by modifying the messages and replacing the add_roles method (line 53) with the remove_roles method.
  • For the command to work:
    • The bot must have the Manage Roles permission on the server.
    • The bot must have a role superior to the roles it handles.
  • It is recommended to have some control over who uses the command.


  • discord.py
  • discord-py-slash-command
