
A site for tracking CSC461 (UVic) project progress.

CSC 461 Project

Daniel Frankcom

Project Proposal

The first requirement for the course project is a proposal that lays out a plan for the remainder of the term. The proposal can be found here.


October 10th

The history section is now available here. Further milestones will be completed by editing the same page, as it is a version of the final report that is under active construction.

October 19th

The applications section is now available at the same link (here).

October 27th

The LCD technical section is now available at the same link (here).

November 4th (Midterm Update)

So far the schedule has been stuck to, and the output artifacts are available on this site. The projected completion date still seems to be reasonable, and I will continue to update the site with progress as I move along.

I have run into some technical challenges involving my choice to write the report using Pandoc, as I tried to combine Pandoc markdown rendering for a PDF copy with the Github pages markdown support. Unfortunately some of these elements are incompatible, so the more complicated things that I would have liked to do (such as references) are not possible in such a way that the report displays properly on the website. I have found reasonable workarounds so far, but I think that I might need to make a seperate copy for the final report, or use the Pandoc HTML rendering and upload those files to the website instead of using the markdown support.

November 15th

The OLED technical section is now available at the same link (here).

November 22nd

The market availability section is now available at the same link (here).

November 23rd

Here is the link to the project presentation.