Apple Podcasts!

Developed by: Daniel Gamboa

This is an app to see a list of the 100 most popular podcasts You can access a preview here (deployed in Vercel) React and this library:

NPM package Description
Tanstack Query For HTTP handling and caching
Wouter Used for the routing of the app
Zustand To handle the global state of the app
Vite As frontend tooling
Tailwind As CSS library


This app requires Node.js v20+ to run. It can be tested with Bun as well.

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

git clone
cd apple-podcast
`npm install` or `yarn` or `bun install`
`npm run dev` for dev mode
`[npm|yarn|bun] build && [npm|yarn|bun] start` for production mode 

Frontend routes

Route Description
/ This is the home page. Will display the list of podcasts
/podcasts/:podcastId To access the details of the selected podcast
/podcasts/:podcastId/episode/:episodeId To access the details of the selected episode