This full stack app was develped with: React on the frontend, and this libraries:
NPM package | Description |
Axios | For HTTP request to the Node/Express server |
react-router-dom | Used for the routing of the app |
Redux | To handle the global state of the appp |
On the backend side, Node and Express, and Sqlite as the database, also with:
NPM package | Description |
Axios | For HTTP request to the Rick and Morty API |
bcryptjs | To encrypt the passwords |
dotenv | With this library the server can read the Json Web Token secret key |
Joi | For data validation |
jsonwebtoken | For user authentication porpuses |
morgan | With this, we can see a log of the requests on the server console |
sequelize, sequelize-cli | To make use of Sequelize, the ORM |
sqlite3 | As the database dialect (required by Sequelize) |
This apps requires Node.js vv14.16.1+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
git clone
cd rickAndMortyApp
cd server -> Here change the .env.example file name to .env
cd .. -> to go back to the root of the project
npm install
npm run setup
npm run start
npm run setup will install backend and frontend dependencies, also run database migration and seeds. npm run start will concurrently start bothe sides of the project.
email: pasword: haufeteam
Route | Method | Description |
/api/characters/:page | GET | Retrieves 20 Rick and Morty characters per page. [page] is a number |
/api/user/favs | GET | Return all the characters that are on the user's favorite list |
/api/char/:id | GET | The server provides the data for the character with the [id] procvided on the URL |
/api/user/current | GET | Get the user's data |
/api/user/favchar | POST | Adds a character to the user's favorite list. We must provide the character id as [charId] |
/api/auth/register | POST | With this route we can register new users. We need to provide a full name [fullName], email [email], and password [password] |
/api/auth/login | POST | This handles the login and authentication process. We need to add to the request payload the email [email] and the password [password] |
Route | Description |
/ | This is the home page. Authentication is required |
/login | A public route that provide a login form |
/register | A public view shows a register form |
/char/:id | With this URL we can see a characters details view. This require authentication |
/404 | A 404 error handlgin view |