
[BUG] Not using GPU!

FlashlightET opened this issue · 0 comments

Update: it seems like onnxruntime_gpu either wasnt installed or was installed alongside regular onnxruntime

Update 2: that fixed it

Describe the bug
The library, despite being installed with [gpu,cli], refuses to run on GPU no matter what I try (including installing torch and importing that). It seems like every single issue about it ends up being closed by the github bot so that nobody sees it and it never gets solved.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

1. run script

import torch
from rembg import remove
from PIL import Image
import os

for i in os.listdir('in'):
    input_path = 'in/'+i
    output_path = 'output.png'

    input = Image.open(input_path)
    output = remove(input)

2. ???

Expected behavior
rembg runs on GPU instead of slow CPU


OS Version:
Windows 11

Rembg version:

Additional context
running in a separate 3.9 runtime with just the stuff from pip install rembg[gpu,cli] and installing torch