
Basic Statamic & Nginx Docker Setup

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Basic Statamic & Nginx Docker Setup

For Statamic 3, see statamic3-nginx-docker

Statamic 2.x Docker setup with Nginx.git


  • Clone repository
  • Download Statamic and extract into ./statamic
  • Run docker-compose up -d to start
  • Listening on port 8000
  • Run statamic installer <host>/installer.php
  • docker-compose build to rebuild services if you make any changes


docker-compose.yml Docker composition file, builds fpm & Nginx dockerfiles.

fpm.Dockerfile Builds from official fpm:php-7fpm image Installs GD and required dependencies for Statamic's image manipulation capabilities. Adds php.ini into project (you may want to update the timezone here - defaults to Australia/Sydney). Makes 256mb memory available as recommended by Statamic (default for fpm:php-7fpm Docker image is 128mb).

nginx.Dockerfile Adds statamic.nginx.conf (site specific Nginx conf file) to Nginx container