
Alternative implementation of rest.bitcoin.com

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Greenkeeper badge

This is a fork and alternative implementation of the rest.bitcoin.com repository. The function of this code is to create a REST API server to provide a common interface for working with a BCH full node and various indexers.

This repository is intended to be paired with my alternative implementation of BITBOX SDK: BITBOX JS.

Here is a YouTube video explaining the use of BITBOX and this REST API:


Since this repo is being worked on by one person, as a hobby, updates will be slow. But the road map I have planned is as follows:

  • Replace the requirement for Insight API with Blockbook API for address and utxo based calls.

  • Remove rate limiting

  • Setup automated dependency management through Greenkeeper, and automated continuous-release with semantic versioning through Semantic Release.

  • Ensure all unit and integration tests are passing.

  • Update SLP token endpoints. Not totally sure of the scope here.

  • Add end-to-end tests.


The following features have been implemented:

  • Typescript removed and ES8 JavaScript used instead.
  • npm audit run on all depedencies.


rest.bitcoin.com is the REST layer for Bitcoin.com's Cloud.

More info: developer.bitcoin.com. Chatroom http://geni.us/CashDev

Testnet available at trest.bitcoin.com


You can also run an instance of REST for your own full node.



Install nodejs's LTS. 8.11.4 at the time of writing.


build-essential package

If you encounter

gyp ERR! build error
gyp ERR! stack Error: not found: make

For Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install build-essential


RUN yum install -y make gcc*

Full node

Fire up a full Bitcoin Cash node and add the following to your bitcoin.conf.

# Accept command line and JSON-RPC commands.

# Username for JSON-RPC connections

# Password for JSON-RPC connections

# If you're running REST on a different host than bitcoind's localhost
# rpcallowip=*
# Or you can restrict by IP or range of IPs
# rpcallowip=192.168.1.*

# Enable zeromq for real-time data

Also allow tcp requests on port 28332

sudo ufw allow 28332

Clone the repo

Next clone the rest.bitcoin.com repo.

git clone https://github.com/Bitcoin-com/rest.bitcoin.com.git

Install dependencies

cd into the newly cloned directory and install the dependencies.

cd rest.bitcoin.com
npm install

Build REST

npm run build

Start REST

Now you need to start REST and pass in the following environment variables

  • BITCOINCOM_BASEURL - On rest.bitcoin.com this env var is to our internal insight API. You can use insight's public API.
  • RPC_BASEURL - The IP address of your full BCH node
  • RPC_PASSWORD - The rpc password of your full BCH node
  • RPC_USERNAME - The rpc username of your full BCH node
  • ZEROMQ_PORT - The port on which you enabled ZeroMQ
  • ZEROMQ_URL - The IP address of your full BCH node
  • NETWORK - mainnet or testnet depending on which network you're using
  • BITDB_URL - mainnet or testnet BITDB URL
  • SLPDB_URL - mainnet or testnet SLPDB URL
  • RATE_LIMIT_MAX_REQUESTS (optional) - Rate limit per route per minute. Defaults to 60. Set to 0 to disable rate limit.
  • NON_JS_FRAMEWORK (optional) - enables endpoints to create, mint, send, burn and burnAll SLP tokens

Here's how the final command would look

BITCOINCOM_BASEURL=https://bch-insight.bitpay.com/api/ RPC_BASEURL=http://your.nodes.ip.address:8332/ RPC_PASSWORD=rpcPasssword RPC_USERNAME=rpcUsername ZEROMQ_PORT=28332 ZEROMQ_URL=your.nodes.ip.address BITDB_URL=https://bitdb.bitcoin.com/ SLPDB_URL=https://slpdb.bitcoin.com/ NETWORK=mainnet npm run dev

Starting in the regtest mode (partly working since the bitcoincom_baseurl does not work with local nodes):

PORT=3000 BITCOINCOM_BASEURL=http://localhost:3000/api/ RPC_BASEURL=http://localhost:18332/ RPC_PASSWORD=regtest RPC_USERNAME=regtest ZEROMQ_PORT=0 ZEROMQ_URL=0 NETWORK=local npm start

View in browser

Finally open http://localhost:3000/ and confirm you see the GUI