Create a TTF font from an SVG font with Gulp.
First, install gulp-svg2ttf
as a development dependency:
npm install --save-dev gulp-svg2ttf
Then, add it to your gulpfile.js
var svg2ttf = require('gulp-svg2ttf');
gulp.task('svg2ttf', function(){
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Set to true to also convert files that doesn't have the .svg extension.
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Set to true to clone the file before converting him so that it will output the original file too.
Type: Number
Default value: Math.round(
Override the TTF font creation/modification date.
Type: String
Default value: Fontello ad or SVG Font copyright metadata.
Allows to set to your copyright informations.
You may look after a full Gulp web font workflow, see gulp-iconfont fot that matter.
Please submit SVG to TTF related issues to the svg2ttf project on wich gulp-svg2ttf is built.
This repository issues is only for gulp and gulp tasks related issues.
You may want to contribute to this project, pull requests are welcome if you accept to publish under the MIT licence.