Patching for some Pixel devices on LineageOS-20 - 21 which provide extra features.
All non-vendor patches have been moved to the DOS fork.
Uses the Divested-Mobile/DivestOS-Build project fork to source patching functions.
Uses the LineageOS4MicroG/android_vendor_partner_gms project fork for extra apks.
Combine with DOS source and kernel patches for LineageOS hardening without rebranding, customizable apks.
- Patches originally from this repo:
- Restore gesture input (swipe typing) on native AOSP keyboard
- Enable verified boot (AVB) to re-lock bootloader
- Replace default browser and webview with Cromite and Mulch
- Add FDroid, AuroraStore, and privileged extensions
- Add GrapheneOS PDFViewer
- Add GrapheneOS SUPL toggle
- Vendor deblobbing specific to Pixel
- Disable Google Assistant, RCS, CNE, sound trigger
- Use non-Android NTP server
- DivestOS patches:
- Kernel and Defconfig hardening
- Enhance location services
- Enable full dexpreopt
- Harden /data
- Disable APEX
- Disable enforced RRO
- Deblob audio
- SUPL Disable
- Notify user of SUPL requests
- Connectivity check options and disable
- Remove Analytics
- Remove Fingerprint
- Remove IMS
- Fix calling when IMS is removed
- Tor Support for Updater
- Remove voice input key
- AdBlock via hosts file
- Toggle to disable hosts file
- Broken Camera fixes
- Disable DropBox internal logging
- Disable partition fingerprint mismatch warnings
- Skip strict update compatibiltity checks
- Support Android Wear
- Creates popups to install proprietary print apps
- Hosts cache fix for DNS-based blocking
- Lots more... (See DOS 20.0
- GrapheneOS patches:
- Hardened memory allocation
- Bionic hardening
- Exec-based spawning
- Selective APEX
- Enable fwrapv
- Secure camera
- Constify Java
- Sensor and Nearby Devices permissions
- Special runtime permissions
- Always Restrict Serial
- Browser No Location
- Fingerprint Lockout
- User Logout
- Automatic Reboot
- System Server Extensions
- Enable app compaction
- Increase default max password length to 64
- Even more... (See DOS 20.0
- CalyxOS Patches:
- Don't prompt to add account when creating a contact
- Add a privacy warning banner to calls
- Private DNS Options
- WiFi and Bluetooth timeout
Deblobbing privacy limitations:
- WiFi Calling disabled
- eSIM disabled
- GoogleFi disabled
Clone this repo, and danielk43/DivestOS-Build to same directory
Install Git LFS
Set these variables:
- Required
- GIT_LOCAL (Path leading to both lineage_pixel_hardening and DivestOS repos. Must be in same dir for now)
- Optional (LOS only)
- LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE (Set with this var for something besides UNOFFICIAL)
- WITH_GMS (Apply spoof, Use partitioning logic + gms makefile apks in vendor/lineage)
- GMS_MAKEFILE (Specify path to makefile with apks in vendor/partner_gms)
Copy the appropriate set of manifests to .repo/local_manifests (LOS only)
Generate AVB private key + pkmd per GrapheneOS instructions under keys/$device (Run only two AVB steps (generate pem + extract), substituting -scrypt with -nocrypt)
Prepare source:
rm -f .repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml && \
repo forall -c "git am --abort; git add -A; git reset --hard" && \
repo sync --force-sync -j$(nproc) && \
repo forall -c "git lfs pull" && \
source build/
Run the script:
To also apply DOS patches (optional, working for LOS20 Google devices):
Some warnings in red for missing devices/repos are normal, if the Patch scripts run to completion.
Continue the rest of the build as usual, using the LineageOS instructions for signed builds
If generating keys, make sure to also add bluetooth and sdksandbox to the key generation loop, and remove testkey
Once finished, before installing the OS flash avb_pkmd.bin after if necessary
LOS21 is WIP
LOS20 included devices supported
GOS14 all devices partially supported (no DOS patching, manual update of gesture input lib)