- 0
Error: Cannot find module 'esm'
#84 opened by cgobbet - 0
- 0
- 0
IPFS - Fleek - Recommended Upgrades
#64 opened by EssentialEnglish - 0
PostCSS needs to upgrade
#63 opened by tk-Ravi - 2
Modify destination email in contact form
#59 opened by ChilledChild - 0
Uploaded images autoscales to screen size
#61 opened by ChilledChild - 0
Quotation marks after every table
#60 opened by PNRxA - 1
Using .vue instead of .md for blog posts
#50 opened by hurnhu - 3
Broken Support for GIF Images
#48 opened by deltoss - 1
Url appends "/" upon refresh of page
#47 opened by jgierlach - 1
Url appends "/" upon refresh of the page
#46 opened by jgierlach - 2
Inline SVGs in posts
#45 opened by PNRxA - 1
Kindly add Dark Mode with toggle
#44 opened by stephenajulu - 1
- 1
CORs problem with custom domain
#38 opened by dmvvilela - 1
helper.js has a "blank month" line
#35 opened by scriptbased - 2
The date on the posts is shown incorectly.
#36 opened by velezhanski - 3
Google Analytics broken
#33 opened by bpmct - 1
Code block syntax highlighting is not working
#32 opened by gauravvjn - 2
Can't access Netlify CMS locally
#25 opened by tuttiq - 2
404 on refresh for pages
#30 opened by bpmct - 4
npm audit
#16 opened by marioedgar - 8
#1 opened by EbenOladutemu - 1
Contact form erroring out
#12 opened by fairmontcreative - 2
og:image is returning a 404
#21 opened by haghdk - 1
undefined blog posts hrefs on page load
#24 opened by haghdk - 1
How to change default colours
#26 opened by cameronwickes - 2
error in embed video
#23 opened by iukones - 4
Can't add files via Netlify CMS
#17 opened by drewpterry - 1
404 during grid items loading
#22 opened by danielleeman - 3
Images are not loading once you upload them
#18 opened by abhaytalreja - 1
- 0
Logo Size change is a pain
#14 opened by rahultrivedi1800 - 3
How to disable news letter in config?
#11 opened by HeatMint - 2
Error on adding Category
#10 opened by mazdak78 - 6
- 3
Can not create new category
#9 opened by rahultrivedi1800 - 1
- 2
- 2
compiling to netlify - asset warning.
#4 opened by BobWalsh