
Renderless Dialogs (Alert, Confirm, Prompt) in Vue

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Renderless Dialogs (Alert, Confirm, Prompt) in Vue

See the full article at https://danielkelly.io/blog/renderless-vue-dialog


  1. Clone the repo
  2. npm install
  3. npm run serve


Dialog object exists in src/dialog.js. If enough people find this useful I can turn it into a npm package. Won't know to do that though unless you reach out and tell me it's useful.

 * Alert
await dialog.alert(message)
// carry on only after alert is dismissed

 * Confirm
const confirmed = await dialog.confirm(message, optionalTitle, options)
    // do the thing needing confirming
    // don't

 * Prompt
const value = await dialog.prompt(message)
console.log(value) // the result of the prompt


All options are set via chainable methods

await dialog
    .title('Prompt Title')
    .prompt('Hello message with <strong>html</strong>')

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