
Repo for docker related work

Primary LanguagePHP


Repo for docker related work


Each of the top level sub directories contains a docker related experiment



boot2docker is the recommended approach for using docker on OSX.

While it is a useful tool for getting started with docker, it has it's limitations.

Specifically, boot2docker spins up a VM for running docker. This is not immediately obvious or very easy to work with for anything but the simplest examples. For example:

  • Using docker volumes with boot2docker is very difficult, if not impossible
  • Exploring the structure and contents of the various docker layers used to create a container is complex as boot2docker does not store the layer data in the expected place. It is also quite difficult to actually navigate within the boot2docker VM as the ls command does not appear to work reliably - i.e. even with sudo, many directories can not be listed.

The approach I have found to work most reliably and transparently is to use Virtualbox to create an Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit Virtual Machine and install docker within the VM. You can then mount directories containing your docker related work from your host OS into the VM to allow you to continue to use your default editor from the host to edit your docker files.


The following links have proved useful while experimenting with docker: