
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Dpl Build Status Code Climate Gem Version

Dpl (dee-pee-ell) is a deploy tool made for continuous deployment. Developed and used by Travis CI.

Supported Providers:

Dpl supports the following providers:


Dpl is published to rubygems.

  • Dpl requires ruby with a version greater than 1.8.7
  • To install: gem install dpl

Usage :

###Security Warning:

Running dpl in a terminal that saves history is insecure as your password/api key will be saved as plain text by it.

###Global Flags

  • --provider=<provider> sets the provider you want to deploy to. Every provider has slightly different flags, which are documented in the section about your provider following.
  • Dpl will deploy by default from the latest commit. Use the --skip_cleanup flag to deploy from the current file state. Note that many providers deploy by git and could ignore this option.



  • api-key: Heroku API Key
  • strategy[git/anvil]: Deployment strategy for Dpl. Defaults to anvil.
  • app: Heroku app name. Defaults to the name of your git repo.
  • username: heroku username. Not necessary if api-key is used. Requires git strategy.
  • password: heroku password. Not necessary if api-key is used. Requires git strategy.

Git vs Anvil Deploy:

  • Anvil will run the buildpack compilation step on the Travis CI VM, whereas the Git strategy will run it on a Heroku dyno, which provides the same environment the application will then run under and might be slightly faster.
  • The Git strategy allows using user and password instead of api-key.
  • When using Git, Heroku might send you an email for every deploy, as it adds a temporary SSH key to your account.

As a rule of thumb, you should switch to the Git strategy if you run into issues with Anvil or if you're using the user-env-compile plugin.


dpl --provider=heroku --api-key=`heroku auth:token`
dpl --provider=heroku --strategy=git --username=<username> --password=<password>  --app=<application>



  • file: Path to a descriptor file, containing information for the Bintray upload.
  • user: Bintray user
  • key: Bintray API key
  • passphrase: Optional. In case a passphrase is configured on Bintray and GPG signing is used.

Descriptor file example:

	/* Bintray package information.
	   In case the package already exists on Bintray, only the name, repo and subject
	   fields are mandatory. */

	"package": {
		"name": "auto-upload", // Bintray package name
		"repo": "maven", // Bintray repository name
		"subject": "myBintrayUser", // Bintray subject (user)
		"desc": "I was pushed completely automatically",
		"website_url": "www.jfrog.com",
 		"issue_tracker_url": "https://github.com/bintray/bintray-client-java/issues",
 		"vcs_url": "https://github.com/bintray/bintray-client-java.git",
		"github_use_tag_release_notes": true,
		"github_release_notes_file": "RELEASE.txt",
 		"licenses": ["MIT"],
 		"labels": ["cool", "awesome", "gorilla"],
 		"public_download_numbers": false,
 		"public_stats": false,
 		"attributes": [{"name": "att1", "values" : ["val1"], "type": "string"},
     				   {"name": "att2", "values" : [1, 2.2, 4], "type": "number"},
     				   {"name": "att5", "values" : ["2014-12-28T19:43:37+0100"], "type": "date"}]

	/* Package version information.
	   In case the version already exists on Bintray, only the name fields is mandatory. */

	"version": {
		"name": "0.5",
		"desc": "This is a version",
		"released": "2015-01-04",
		"vcs_tag": "0.5",
	 	"attributes": [{"name": "VerAtt1", "values" : ["VerVal1"], "type": "string"},
  					   {"name": "VerAtt2", "values" : [1, 3.3, 5], "type": "number"},
					   {"name": "VerAtt3", "values" : ["2015-01-01T19:43:37+0100"], "type": "date"}],
		"gpgSign": false

	/* Configure the files you would like to upload to Bintray and their upload path.
	You can define one or more groups of patterns.
	Each group contains three patterns:

	includePattern: Pattern in the form of Ruby regular expression, indicating the path of files to be uploaded to Bintray.
	excludePattern: Optional. Pattern in the form of Ruby regular expression, indicating the path of files to be removed from the list of files specified by the includePattern.
	uploadPattern: Upload path on Bintray. The path can contain symbols in the form of $1, $2,... that are replaced with capturing groups defined in the include pattern.

	In the example below, the following files are uploaded,
	1. All gem files located under build/bin/ (including sub directories),
	except for files under a the do-not-deploy directory.
	The files will be uploaded to Bintray under the gems folder.
	2. All files under build/docs. The files will be uploaded to Bintray under the docs folder.*/

		{"includePattern": "build/bin/(.*)?(.*\.gem)", "excludePattern": ".*/do-not-deploy/.*", "uploadPattern": "gems/$2"},
		{"includePattern": "build/docs/(.*)", "uploadPattern": "docs/$1"}
	"publish": true


dpl --provider=bintray --file=<path> --user=<username> --key=<api-key>
dpl --provider=bintray --file=<path> --user=<username> --key=<api-key> --passphrase=<passphrase>



  • username: Nodejitsu Username
  • api-key: Nodejitsu API Key


dpl --provider=nodejitsu --username=<username> --api-key=<api-key>



  • api-key Modulus Authentication Token
  • project-name Modulus Project to Deploy


dpl --provider=modulus --api-key=<api-key> --project-name=<project-name>

Engine Yard:


  • api-key: Engine Yard Api Key
  • username: Engine Yard username. Not necessary if api-key is used. Requires git strategy.
  • password: Engine Yard password. Not necessary if api-key is used.
  • app: Engine Yard Application name. Defaults to git repo's name.
  • environment: Engine Yard Application Environment. Optional.
  • migrate: Engine Yard migration commands. Optional.


dpl --provider=engineyard --api-key=<api-key>
dpl --provider=engineyard --username=<username> --password=<password> --environment=staging
dpl --provider=engineyard --api-key=<api-key> --app=<application> --migrate=`rake db:migrate`



  • user: Openshift Username.
  • password: Openshift Password.
  • domain: Openshift Application Domain.
  • app: Openshift Application. Defaults to git repo's name.


dpl --provider=openshift --user=<username> --password=<password> --domain=<domain>
dpl --provider=openshift --user=<username> --password=<password> --domain=<domain> --app=<app>



  • email: cloudControl email.
  • password: cloudControl password.
  • deployment: cloudControl Deployment. Follows the format "APP_NAME/DEP_NAME".


dpl --provider=cloudcontrol --email=<email> --password<password> --deployment=`APP_NAME/DEP_NAME`



  • api-key: Rubygems Api Key.


dpl --provider=rubygems --api-key=<api-key>



  • user: PyPI Username.
  • password: PyPI Password.
  • server: Optional. Only required if you want to release to a different index. Follows the form of "https://mypackageindex.com/index".
  • distributions: A space-separated list of distributions to be uploaded to PyPI. Defaults to 'sdist'.
  • docs_dir: A path to the directory to upload documentation from. Defaults to 'build/docs'


dpl --provider=pypi --user=<username> --password=<password>
dpl --provider=pypi --user=<username> --password=<password> --server='https://mypackageindex.com/index' --distributions='sdist bdist_wheel'



  • email: NPM email.
  • api-key: NPM api key. Can be retrieved from your ~/.npmrc file.


dpl --provider=npm --email=<email> --api-key=<api-key>



  • user: biicode username.
  • password: biicode password.


dpl --provider=biicode --user=<user> --password=<password>



  • access-key-id: AWS Access Key ID. Can be obtained from here.
  • secret-access-key: AWS Secret Key. Can be obtained from here.
  • bucket: S3 Bucket.
  • region: S3 Region. Defaults to us-east-1.
  • endpoint: S3 Endpoint. Defaults to s3.amazonaws.com.
  • upload-dir: S3 directory to upload to. Defaults to root directory.
  • local-dir: Local directory to upload from. Can be set from a global perspective (~/travis/build) or relative perspective (build) Defaults to project root.
  • detect-encoding: Set HTTP header Content-Encoding for files compressed with gzip and compress utilities. Defaults to not set.
  • cache_control: Set HTTP header Cache-Control to suggest that the browser cache the file. Defaults to no-cache. Valid options are no-cache, no-store, max-age=<seconds>,s-maxage=<seconds> no-transform, public, private.
  • expires: This sets the date and time that the cached object is no longer cacheable. Defaults to not set. The date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS -ZONE.
  • acl: Sets the access control for the uploaded objects. Defaults to private. Valid options are private, public_read, public_read_write, authenticated_read, bucket_owner_read, bucket_owner_full_control.
  • dot_match: When set to true, upload files starting a ..
  • index_document_suffix: Set the index document of a S3 website.

File-specific Cache-Control and Expires headers

It is possible to set file-specific Cache-Control and Expires headers using value: file[, file] format.

--cache_control="no-cache: index.html"
--expires="\"2012-12-21 00:00:00 -0000\": *.css, *.js"


dpl --provider=s3 --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket> --acl=public_read
dpl --provider=s3 --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket> --detect-encoding --cache_control=max-age=99999 --expires="2012-12-21 00:00:00 -0000"
dpl --provider=s3 --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket> --region=us-west-2 --local-dir= BUILD --upload-dir=BUILDS



  • access-key-id: AWS Access Key ID. Can be obtained from here.
  • secret-access-key: AWS Secret Key. Can be obtained from here.
  • app-id: The app ID.
  • migrate: Migrate the database. (Default: false)
  • wait-until-deployed: Wait until the app is deployed and return the deployment status. (Default: false)


dpl --provider=opsworks --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --app-id=<app-id> --migrate --wait-until-deployed



  • email: Appfog Email.
  • password: Appfog Password.
  • app: Appfog App. Defaults to git repo's name.


dpl --provider=appfog --email=<email> --password=<password>
dpl --provider=appfog --email=<email> --password=<password> --app=<app>



  • api-key: Divshot.io API key
  • environment: Which environment (development, staging, production) to deploy to


dpl --provider=divshot --api-key=<api-key> --environment=<environment>

Cloud Foundry:


  • username: Cloud Foundry username.
  • password: Cloud Foundry password.
  • organization: Cloud Foundry target organization.
  • api: Cloud Foundry api URL
  • space: Cloud Foundry target space


dpl --provider=cloudfoundry --username=<username> --password=<password> --organization=<organization> --api=<api> --space=<space>



  • api_key: dotCloud api key.
  • app: dotcloud app.
  • service: dotcloud service to run commands on. Defaults to 'www'.


dpl --provider=dotcloud --api_key=<api_key> --app=<app>
dpl --provider=dotcloud --api_key=<api_key> --app=<app> --service=<service>

Rackspace Cloud Files:


  • username: Rackspace Username.
  • api-key: Rackspace API Key.
  • region: Cloud Files Region. The region in which your Cloud Files container exists.
  • container: Container Name. The container where you would like your files to be uploaded.
  • dot_match: When set to true, upload files starting a ..


dpl --provider=cloudfiles --username=<username> --api-key=<api-key> --region=<region> --container=<container>

GitHub Releases:


  • api-key: GitHub oauth token with public_repo orrepo permission.
  • user: GitHub username. Not necessary if api-key is used.
  • password: GitHub Password. Not necessary if api-key is used.
  • repo: GitHub Repo. Defaults to git repo's name.
  • file: File to upload to GitHub Release.
  • file_glob: If files should be interpreted as globs (* and ** wildcards). Defaults to false.
  • release-number: Overide automatic release detection, set a release manually.

GitHub Two Factor Authentication

For accounts using two factor authentication, you have to use an oauth token as a username and password will not work.


dpl --provider=releases --api-key=<api-key> --file=build.tar.gz

Cloud 66


  • redeployment_hook: The redeployment hook URL. Available from the Information menu within the Cloud 66 portal.


dpl --provider=cloud66 --redeployment_hook=<url>



  • auth_token: Ninefold deploy auth token
  • app_id: Ninefold deploy app ID


dpl --provider=ninefold --auth_token=<auth_token> --app_id=<app_id>



  • username: Hackage username.
  • password: Hackage password.


dpl --provider=hackage --username=<username> --password=<password>



  • controller: Deis controller e.g. deis.deisapps.com
  • username: Deis username
  • password: Deis password
  • app: Deis app
  • cli_version: Install a specific deis cli version


dpl --provider=deis --controller=deis.deisapps.com --username=travis --password=secret --app=example

Google Cloud Storage:


  • access-key-id: GCS Interoperable Access Key ID. Info about Interoperable Access Key from here.
  • secret-access-key: GCS Interoperable Access Secret.
  • bucket: GCS Bucket.
  • upload-dir: GCS directory to upload to. Defaults to root directory.
  • local-dir: Local directory to upload from. Can be set from a global perspective (~/travis/build) or relative perspective (build) Defaults to project root.
  • dot_match: When set to true, upload files starting a ..
  • detect-encoding: Set HTTP header Content-Encoding for files compressed with gzip and compress utilities. Defaults to not set.
  • cache_control: Set HTTP header Cache-Control to suggest that the browser cache the file. Defaults to not set. Info is here
  • acl: Sets the access control for the uploaded objects. Defaults to not set. Info is here


dpl --provider=gcs --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket>
dpl --provider=gcs --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket> --local-dir= BUILD
dpl --provider=gcs --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket> --acl=public-read
dpl --provider=gcs --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket> --detect-encoding --cache_control=max-age=99999
dpl --provider=gcs --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket> --local-dir=BUILD --upload-dir=BUILDS

Elastic Beanstalk:


  • access-key-id: AWS Access Key ID. Can be obtained from here.
  • secret-access-key: AWS Secret Key. Can be obtained from here.
  • region: AWS Region the Elastic Beanstalk app is running in. Defaults to 'us-east-1'. Please be aware that this must match the region of the elastic beanstalk app.
  • app: Elastic Beanstalk application name.
  • env: Elastic Beanstalk environment name which will be updated.
  • bucket_name: Bucket name to upload app to.


dpl --provider=elasticbeanstalk --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key="<secret-access-key>" --app="example-app-name" --env="example-app-environment" --region="us-west-2"



  • access_token: Optinoal. The access_token which can be found in the .bitballoon file after a deployment using the bitballoon CLI. Only required if no .bitballoon file is present.
  • site_id: Optional. The site_id which can be found in the .bitballoon file after a deployment using the bitballoon CLI. Only required if no .bitballoon file is present.
  • local_dir: Optional. The sub-directory of the built assets for deployment. Default to current path.


dpl --access-token=<access-token> --site-id=3f932c1e-708b-4573-938a-a07d9728c22e
dpl --access-token=<access-token> --site-id=3f932c1e-708b-4573-938a-a07d9728c22e --local-dir=build

Puppet Forge:


  • user: Required. The user name at Puppet forge.
  • password: Required. The Puppet forge password.
  • url: Optional. The forge URL to deploy to. Defaults to https://forgeapi.puppetlabs.com/


dpl --provider=puppetforge --user=puppetlabs --password=s3cr3t



  • username: Required. The packagecloud.io username.
  • token: Required. The packagecloud.io api token.
  • repository: Required. The repository to push to.
  • local_dir: Optional. The sub-directory of the built assets for deployment. Default to current path.
  • dist: Required for deb and rpm. The complete list of supported strings can be found on the packagecloud.io docs


dpl --provider=packagecloud --username=packageuser --token=t0k3n --repository=myrepo
dpl --provider=packagecloud --username=packageuser --token=t0k3n --repository=myrepo --dist=ubuntu/precise
dpl --provider=packagecloud --username=packageuser --token=t0k3n --repository=myrepo --local-dir="${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/pkgs" --dist=ubuntu/precise

Chef Supermarket:



dpl --provider=chef-supermarket --user-id=chef --client-key=.travis/client.pem --cookbook-category=Others



  • function_name: Required. The name of the Lambda being created / updated.
  • role: Required. The ARN of the IAM role to assign to this Lambda function.
  • handler_name: Required. The function that Lambda calls to begin execution. For NodeJS, it is exported function for the module.
  • module_name: Optional. The name of the module that exports the handler. Defaults to index.
  • zip: Optional. Either a path to an existing packaged (zipped) Lambda, a directory to package, or a single file to package. Defaults to Dir.pwd.
  • description: Optional. The description of the Lambda being created / updated. Defaults to "Deploy build #{context.env['TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER']} to AWS Lambda via Travis CI"
  • timeout: Optional. The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. Defaults to 3 (seconds).
  • memory_size: Optional. The amount of memory in MB to allocate to this Lambda. Defaults to 128.


Deploy contents of current working directory using default module:

    dpl --provider="lambda" \
        --access_key_id="${AWS_ACCESS_KEY}" \
        --secret_access_key="${AWS_SECRET_KEY}" \
        --function_name="test-lambda" \
        --role="${AWS_LAMBDA_ROLE}" \

Deploy contents of a specific directory using specific module name:

    dpl --provider="lambda" \
        --access_key_id="${AWS_ACCESS_KEY}" \
        --secret_access_key="${AWS_SECRET_KEY}" \
        --function_name="test-lambda" \
        --role="${AWS_LAMBDA_ROLE}" \
        --zip="${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/dist"  \
        --module_name="copy" \


Your Android(apk)/iOS(ipa) file will be uploaded to TestFairy, and your testers can start testing your app.


  • api-key: TestFairy API Key (https://app.testfairy.com/settings/) run "travis encrypt --add deploy.api-key" on your repo.
  • app-file: Path to the app file that will be generated after the build (APK/IPA).
  • symbols-file: Path to the symbols file.
  • keystore-file: Path to your keystore-file (must, only for android). http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/encrypting-files/
  • storepass: storepass (must, only for android).
  • alias: alias (must, only for android).
  • testers-groups: You can set a tester group to be notified about this build (group1,group1).
  • notify: If true, an email you a changelog will be sent to your users.
  • auto-update: If true, all the previous installations of this app will be automatically all upgraded to this version.
  • video-quality: Video quality settings, "high", "medium" or "low". Default is "high".
  • screenshot-interval: You can choose "1""2""10" sec.
  • max-duration: Maximum session recording length, eg "20m" or "1h". Default is "10m". Maximum "24h".
  • advanced-options: For example (option1,option2)
  • data-only-wifi: If true, video and recorded metrics will be sent only when connected to a wifi network.
  • record-on-background: If true, data will be collected while the app on background.
  • video: If true, Video recording settings "true", "false". Default is "true".
  • icon-watermark: Add a small watermark to app icon. Default is "false".
  • metrics: Comma-separated list of metrics to record. View list on http://docs.testfairy.com/Upload_API.html.


dpl --provider=testfairy --api-key=<api-key> --app-file="out/Sample.apk" --keystore-file="out/keystore" --storepass=<storepass> --alias=<alias>