
Beautiful B+ trees in TeX

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

B+ tree visualization package

Drawing beautiful B+ trees in TeX using the standard TikZ features is cumbersome.
This package tackles this problem by providing macros to simplify drawing B+ trees in TikZ.

The btreevis package utilizes the standard tree environment of TikZ for the placement of the B+ tree nodes.
The edges of the tree environment are disabled by the default B+ tree style (BTreeDefault) because it does not suffice to get beautiful connecting edges. This is mostly because of the B+ tree characteristics: a node has multiple pointers (and keys of course) each of which is connected to a node on the subsequent level of the B+ tree.

This package provides macros to generate the B+ tree nodes in a simple way as well as macros to draw B+ tree edges in a proper way.

The explanation of the B+ tree characteristics are skipped here. One may study B+ trees e.g. on Wikipedia.

Example result

alt text

Full Examples

The btreevis package consists of two full example TeX files to show how to use the package. These two files contain a full documentation describing each step separately (what is done and why it is necessary).


Some documentation is provided by this README althought internal macros and counters are skipped (by now). But a full and detailed documentation is located inside the btreevis.sty file.
Moreover, there are two full documented example TeX files given, a simple and an advanced one, to should the usage of the btreevis package.

Required TeX packages

The following TeX packages are used and thus must be installed to use the btreevis package:

  • tikz
  • ifthen
  • etoolbox

Default styles

The defined styles provide all important properties for nodes and trees, respectively, such that the resulting B+ tree looks beautiful. These styles may be overridden by own styles.

  • BTreeNodeDefault
  • BTreeDefault

See btreevis.sty for detailed information about the individual style properties and their respective purpose.

Global macros


Sets the globally defined variable (\noOfPointersPerNode) to the value supplied. It specifies to number of pointers per node (usually referred to as m) - not the number of keys but the number of keys + 1 per node.


  1. Value to be assigned to \noOfPointersPerNode


Generates the content of a complete B+ tree node (in fact, a matrix of nodes). Values are supplied through a comma-separated list and the generated content is stored in a supplied variable.

For the comma-separated list, there are three cases:

  1. If the list consists of less elements than (number of pointers per node - 1), the remaining key cells are left empty.
  2. If the lists consists of more elements than (number of pointers per node - 1), the oversupplied elements are skipped/ignored.
  3. In all other cases the number of elements is between (the number of pointers per node / 2) (in short: m/2) and the number of pointers per node (m).

The generated matrix of nodes is not named because this is not needed to connect the nodes. However, the nodes inside this matrix of nodes are named consecutively.


  1. Number of the tree level of the node (used to name automatically)
  2. Number of the node of the supplied tree level (argument #1)
  3. Values as comma-separated list
  4. Name of the variable the B+ tree node content is stored to


To generate beautiful B+ trees, we need to disable the edges from parent of the tree environment of TikZ and use own macros the draw the edges between the nodes.

The \ConnectBTreeNodes macro is used to generate the edges between nodes of the B+ tree. It connects all pointers of a supplied node on a supplied source (tree) level to all its child nodes of a supplied destination (tree) level with an arrow. The incoming arrows on any node of the subsequent (tree) level are located in the north center of the node (dependent on the number of keys a node holds - calculated automatically if \noOfPointersPerNode is set correctly). This macro only works properly if the naming of the nodes is correct!


  1. Number of source (tree) level
  2. Number of source node (parent node)
  3. Number of destination (tree) level
  4. Number of (child) nodes to be connected with parent
  5. Number of the first (child) nodes to be connected with parent


This macro is used to generate the edges between the leaf nodes of the B+ tree. It connects all leaf nodes of a supplied (tree) level with dotted arrows. Because each B+ tree node is a matrix of nodes, each arrow starts at .east of the rightmost node of the leaf (matrix) and ends at .west of the leftmost node of the next leaf (matrix) to the right. This macro only works properly if the naming of the nodes is correct!


  1. Number of the (tree) level of the leaf nodes
  2. Number of leaf nodes to be connected

Interaction with TikZ

tikzpicture options

As described before, default styles are defined within the btreevis package to provide basic style information. The BTreeDefault style provides basic tikzpicture information (for more details see btreevis.sty).

If there are no special needs, it suffices to use the BTreeDefault style and define the style of the respective tree levels in the tikzpicture options to get a standard but beautiful B+ tree.


  level 1/.style = {
    sibling distance = 22em,
    level distance = 6em
  level 2/.style = {
    sibling distance = 8em,
    level distance = 6em

Tree generation

The macros provided by the btreevis package are just to generate the content of a node (as a matrix of nodes). To keep it as simple as possible, the actual tree layout/drawing is done using the standard tree environment of TikZ. Hence, the content of all nodes of the desired B+ tree must be generated upfront and are used as node contents afterwards.


% Content level 0

% Content level 1
\CreateBTreeNode{1}{2}{{7, 9}}{\levelOneNodeTwo}

% Use tree environment to draw the nodes (without connecting arrows)
\node[BTreeNodeDefault] {\levelZeroNodeOne}
child { node[BTreeNodeDefault] {\levelOneNodeOne} }
child { node[BTreeNodeDefault] {\levelOneNodeTwo} };


  • Make it robust, i.e. use LaTeX commands as much as possible:
    • use \newcommand/\renewcommand/\providecommand instead of \def,
    • use \CheckCommand