
Android app for live streaming of HDMI input on Zidoo X9 and Tronsmart Pavo M9 compatible TV boxes

Primary LanguageJava


Android app for live streaming of HDMI input on Zidoo X9 and Tronsmart Pavo M9 compatible TV boxes. More info: https://blog.danman.eu/using-tronsmart-pavo-m9-for-hdmi-input-streaming/


  • Copy app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk to your device and install it.
  • Copy ffmpeg binary to /mnt/sdcard/


  • Start app from menu
  • Press menu button and edit and confirm all settings
  • Start streaming by pressing button "1" on remote
  • Restart your device


  • Valid ffmpeg commands:
  • streaming to network in MPEG-TS:
/mnt/sdcard/ffmpeg -i - -codec:v copy -codec:a copy -bsf:v dump_extra -f mpegts udp://[IP]:1234
  • streaming to web (e.g. Youtube):
/mnt/sdcard/ffmpeg  -i - -strict -2 -codec:v copy -codec:a aac -b:a 128k -f flv rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2/[Stream name/key]


Open in Android studio and compile as usual.


  • streaming as MPEG-TS to network (unicast/multicast)
  • streaming in FLV format to RTMP server (e.g. Youtube)
  • no need for intermediate recording file - thus no length limit
  • streaming runs in background


  • bind remote control to start/stop/restart streaming
  • automatic stream restart after network or encoding failure
  • indicate recording with blinking status LED (probably not possible)

Output screenshot
