Kitchen Sink Go Package

What is this

This is a repo to learn how to use go packages. Called kitchen sink because it'll contain any and all functions.

Why use a separate repo?

Go packages only work with a root level repo. It cannot be a nested repo.

How to publish

# Push latest code change
git push

# List current tags
git tag

# Create a new release tag
# Tags are correct as long as they are unique,
# but for go package use semver
git tag v0.0.7

# Push tag
git push --tag

Hard lessons

  1. In order for package to be publishable,
  • module in go.mod must be the code repo url. In this case,

  • entrypoint file must be called the same as package nam in entry point file. In this case kitchenSink.go

Common errors

  1. During client installation, received error module declares its path as x but required y

    Make sure 1. in Hard lessons is correct