Learn Monorepo + Cypress

Builds off of https://github.com/danielkwok21/learnMonorepo for monoreport portion
This repo would focus more on cypress

Quick start

  1. Make a dummy commit and push
  2. Go to the Actions tab of this repo, or click https://github.com/danielkwok21/learnMonorepoCypress/actions
  3. Observe a new job ran succesfully
  4. This job is the cypress test defined at ./cypress/e2e/spec.cy.js

Key takeaways

Uses yarn workspace

Each application would no longer have

  • node_modules
  • git repo

All of these would be referred to the root's.


Setup cypress

  1. Install
# cd to root

# Install cypress at root dependency
yarn add -W cypress
  1. Open cypress
yarn run cypress open
  1. Create a spec at ./cypress/e2e/spec.cy.js

Setup github action

  1. Create an action at ./.github/workflows/test.yml according to https://github.com/cypress-io/github-action


  1. git push to remote
  2. Go to https://github.com/danielkwok21/learnMonorepoCypress/actions
  3. Observe job being ran that runs cypress test