
This is the backend that I developed using Postgres and Express for a developer feedback dashboard that allows users to submit tickets to admins for review. Schema/endpoints are disclosed in readme.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Back-End for Dev Desk Queue



  id: INTEGER; // auto increments by database
  first_name: STRING; // not nullable - 128 max chars
  last_name: STRING; // not nullable - 128 max chars
  username: STRING; // not nullable , unique - 128 max chars
  password: STRING; // not nullable - 128 max chars
  email: STRING; // not nullable , unique - 128 max chars
  is_admin: BOOLEAN; // not nullable , defaults to false
  cohort: STRING; // 128 max chars


  id: INTEGER; // auto increments by database
  title: STRING; // not nullable
  description: TEXT; //not nullable
  category: STRING; // nullable
  is_resolved: BOOLEAN; // not nullable, defaults to false
  is_assigned: BOOLEAN; //not nullable, defaults to false
  assigned_to: INTEGER; // defaults to 0 - meaning not assigned to anyone!
  created_at: TIMESTAMP; // defaults to now - no need to fill this out
  user_id: INTEGER; // references user id - the users id that created this ticket!



Method Endpoint Description
POST /api/register User Registration
POST /api/login User Login
GET /api/users Returns all users
GET /api/users/:id Returns user by ID


Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/tickets Returns all tickets
GET /api/tickets/:id Returns specified ticket
GET /api/tickets/staff/:assigned_to Returns tickets assigned to specified staff
GET /api/tickets/student/:user_id Returns tickets assigned to specified student
POST /api/tickets/ Creates a new ticket
PUT /api/tickets/:id Udates specified ticket
DELETE /api/tickets/:id Deletes specified ticket

Seed Data


    id: 1,
    first_name: "admin",
    last_name: "admin",
    username: "admin",
    password: "admin",
    email: "admin",
    is_admin: true,
    cohort: "admin",
    id: 2,
    first_name: "Violet",
    last_name: "Smith",
    username: "violetsmith",
    password: "password",
    email: "VioletHSmith@teleworm.us",
    is_admin: false,
    cohort: "WEB28",
    id: 3,
    first_name: "Kristi",
    last_name: "Wynn",
    username: "Phlin1939",
    password: "die7ooFee",
    email: "KristiCWynn@rhyta.com",
    is_admin: false,
    cohort: "WEB28",
    id: 4,
    first_name: "Michael",
    last_name: "Sledge",
    username: "Liis1980",
    password: "ieyaetooQu6",
    email: "MichaelMSledge@rhyta.com",
    is_admin: false,
    cohort: "WEB28",
    id: 5,
    first_name: "Willard",
    last_name: "Griffith",
    username: "Orromin",
    password: "iWaKeir9h",
    email: "WillardDGriffith@dayrep.com",
    is_admin: false,
    cohort: "WEB28",


    id: 1,
    title: "GitHub issue",
    description: "Short description",
    category: "GitHub",
    is_resolved: 0,
    is_assigned: 0,
    assigned_to: 0,
    user_id: 2,
    id: 2,
    title: "JavaScript issue",
    description: "Short description",
    category: "JavaScript",
    is_resolved: 0,
    is_assigned: 0,
    assigned_to: 0,
    user_id: 3,
    id: 3,
    title: "React issue",
    description: "Short description",
    category: "React",
    is_resolved: 0,
    is_assigned: 1,
    assigned_to: 1,
    user_id: 4,
    id: 4,
    title: "CSS issue",
    description: "Short description",
    category: "CSS",
    is_resolved: 0,
    is_assigned: 1,
    assigned_to: 1,
    user_id: 5,
    id: 5,
    title: "HTML issue",
    description: "Short description",
    category: "HTML",
    is_resolved: 0,
    is_assigned: 0,
    assigned_to: 0,
    user_id: 4,
    id: 6,
    title: "React problems",
    description: "Short description",
    category: "React",
    is_resolved: 0,
    is_assigned: 0,
    assigned_to: 0,
    user_id: 3,