
React Admin Interface With Supabase Auth & Backend with Prisma ORM

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This projet has a major upgrade and will be soon archived.

The new DevConnector has been moved here: https://github.com/daniellaera/admin-dashboard

Supabase React Auth with Prisma ORM

When cloning this project in container volume (remote), a script located in .devcontainer/scripts/bootstrap.sh will bootstrap everything for you; that means, installing frontend/package.json & backend/package.json dependencies with npm.

When container correctly bootstrapped make sure you have/create in your backend/frontend folders your own .env file because prisma schema and postgres local database requires a DATABASE_URL.

You'll notice that in the .devcontainer/devcontainer.json line 22 the "dotfiles.repository": "git@github.com:daniellaera/dotfiles.git", I clone the repository dotfiles via SSH.

For doing this, you'll need to have a valid ssh key on your machine, ex: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@....com" and add it to your own GitHub SSH settings, otherwise the remote repository won't be accessible and so the script install.sh won't be executed.

Enjoy {^_^}

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