Hi there, I'm Daniel Lalasa 👋

Front-end Engineer | React & JavaScript Aficionado

I'm a passionate Front-end Developer with over 8 years of experience. My expertise lies in crafting exceptional user interfaces and applications, always exploring new technologies to deliver top-notch performance and quality. I'm a firm believer in sharing knowledge and encouraging growth within the tech community.

📫 How to reach me: danial.lalasa@ginbits.com

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🔧 Technologies & Tools

  • Front-end: React.js, TypeScript, Vanilla JS, Next.js, Material UI, jQuery, Sass, Less, Storybook, Styled Components
  • Back-end & DB: Node.js, MongoDB, ExpressJs, Strapi
  • Testing & DevOps: Jest, Chai, Mocha, Cypress, React Testing Library, CI/CD Pipelines, Kubernetes, GitHub Actions
  • Other Skills: GraphQL, Atomic Design, SEO Optimization, Bash Scripting, React Native, PWA, SSR, CSR