
Simple stream reader

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Best viewed in Chrome.

Files can be found at https://github.com/danielleswank/Birdy

These instructions assume that you have node installed.
If you don't have it installed, here are a few good installation instruction links: https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Installation https://gist.github.com/579814

  1. Add this line to your hosts file " dev.freeflow.io"
  2. Download Birdy from github and unpack https://github.com/danielleswank/Birdy
  3. Open up your terminal and cd into the Birdy directory
  4. Run "sudo npm install"
  5. Run "sudo coffee app.coffee"
  6. Go to http://dev.freeflow.io
  7. Auth with Twitter
  8. Type in keywords, @people, or lat,long. Press enter to search.

Things to know: The stream is throttled, otherwise it was just scrolled too fast for popular terms.
Searches are additive so OWS + BASEBALL probably won't have may results even though they will separately.
You can toggle on and off search terms or remove them completely. Try backspacing once you have a few terms in. Lat,Long searches can't have a space after the comma. If they do they will be treated as a keyword (e.g. -36.34,85.23)