an implementation of NSGA-II in java

Primary LanguageJava


an NSGA-II implementation using Java

Original Authors of the Paper: Kalyanmoy Deb, Amrit Pratap, Sameer Agarwal, T. Meyarivan

links to original contents:

note: this implementation of NSGA-II algorithm is in pure reference to the original published paper. This is not an effort to convert the originally implemented C code in Java. The original C code by the authors has not be referred to while writing this implementation.

Dependency: Java(>=1.8), JFreeChart(1.0.13), JCommon(1.0.24)

How It Works

This code has 6 packages:

  • io.onclave.nsga.ii.Interface : This package has the IObjectiveFunction interface that must be implemented by any Objective Function class in package io.onclave.nsga.ii.objectivefunction
  • io.onclave.nsga.ii.algorithm : This package contains the main algorithm class, Algorithm.java that must be run during execution.
  • io.onclave.nsga.ii.api : This package contains
    • GraphPlot.java which currently supports 2D graph plotting using JFreeChart library,
    • the Reporter.java that is used to print to console various states of the dataset during runtime,
    • the Service.java that contains most of the essential functions specific to NSGA-II and
    • Synthesis.java that is essential for genetic algorithm specific functions.
  • io.onclave.nsga.ii.configuration : This package contains the Configuration class which prepares and configures various modules before the algorithm is executed.
  • io.onclave.nsga.ii.datastructure : This package contains the datastructures required for NSGA-II. An Object Oriented approached has been used.
    • Allele.java
    • Chromosome.java
    • ParetoObject.java
    • Population.java
  • io.onclave.nsga.ii.objectivefunction : contains various objective function specific classes that can be used with NSGA-II. All objective function classes must implement IObjectiveInterface

This implementation of the algorithm works in accordance to the original algorithm proposed in the paper.

Right now, the algorithm does not implement the method Service#nonDominatedPopulationSort but calls the method in the actual algorithm, so that if required, this method may be implemented as required.

The sorting algorithm used during crowding distance assignment in Service#crowdingDistanceAssignment is randomized quick sort implemented in Service#RandomizedQuickSort. This gives the optimal average case time complexity. If this is required to be changed, change the code at Service#sort to call your own sorting algorithm as required.


To change various general configurations within the code, please refer to Configuration class and change the required values.

  • POPULATION_SIZE : population size at each generation.
  • GENERATIONS : number of generations the algorithm should run.
  • CHROMOSOME_LENGTH : chromosome length in bits. Default is 8. Please note that, changing this value may throw a NumberFormatException since the 8 bit binary string is directly converted to a corresponding double value. A relatively large binary string may throw exceptions during conversions. The 8 bit binary string keeps the value within 0 to 255.
  • The binary strings generated as genetic code for each chromosome is converted to the corresponding double value which is the fitness of the chromosomes. The default fitness value is always between 0 and 255 since the default chromosome length is 8. This value is then normalized using min-max normalisation between 0 to 2. Change the variables ACTUAL_MIN, ACTUAL_MAX, NORMALIZED_MIN, NORMALIZED_MAX for other values.
  • To change the default way the fitness value is calculated for each chromosome, implement Service#calculateFitness method according to requirement. This method would be automatically called during call on Chromosome#setGeneticCode for every chromosome. To change this behaviour, tweak the Chromosome#setGeneticCode method.
  • The Configuration#buildObjectives method is called at the very beginning of the algorithm. This method should configure the Configuration#objectives property before the algorithm can execute anything. All the objectives must be configured and added to this list at the very beginning. Refer to Configuration#buildObjectives method for basic implementation.

To change various synthesis configurations within the code, please refer to Synthesis class and change the required methods.

  • a binary tournament selection procedure is used to select a chromosome from parent to child at Synthesis#binaryTournamentSelection
  • a uniform crossover is used where the chromosomes are broken from the middle. To change this behavious, tweak Synthesis#crossover
  • a bit flip is used for mutation
  • Synthesis#synthesizePopulation method is used to generate a new population
  • Synthesis#synthesizeChild method generates a new child population from parent population
  • Synthesis#synthesizeGeneticCode method generates the genetic code of each chromosome

To change various plotting configurations within the code, please refer to GraphPlot class and change the required values.

  • KEY
  • DIMENSION_X : x-axis dimension of generated graph
  • DIMENSION_Y : y-axis dimension of generated graph

To set these values using setters, call the setter methods prior to calling the GraphPlot#configurePlotter

The Reporter#render2DGraph works only if number of objectives is 2. It uses the Configuration#getObjectives method to check this condition. Implement your own renderer method to render various other graphs.