

  • NodeJS 8
  • Docker

Project setup

Simply run the following scripts, they will do all the hard work for you !

Cleaning Up Your Database

This will clean up all data so that you can start the app with a fresh new database !

sh run-clean.sh

General Deployment (minified)

This will deploy dockerized versions of both the service and the app.

sh run.sh

This will refresh your database (not required when running this application for the first time):

sh run-clean.sh

Local Development

The following script will start the service in the docker container, but will run the app from your local machine so that you can hot-reload changes.

sh run-dev.sh

This will refresh your database:

sh run-clean-dev.sh

Making changes to service

Once you've made your changes to the service run the following script:

sh build-and-run-server.sh

NOTE If you want to make any changes to the initial migration files you will need to remove your dockerized database and re-initialise it.

You can do this by simply running the following script:

sh run-clean-server.sh

Run your tests


yarn run test


cd ./server
yarn run test