
Elements of Programming Interviews

Primary LanguageC++

Elements of Programming Interviews in C++



operator asm equivalent description

  • & AND Bitwise AND
  • | OR Bitwise inclusive OR
  • ^ XOR Bitwise exclusive OR
  • ~ NOT Unary complement (bit inversion)
  • << SHL Shift bits left
  • >> SHR Shift bits right


  • Question: count_bits.cc

    • Use of & operand and 00000001 to isolate the right most bit of a number.
  • Question: parity.cc

    • We can use the & operator to determine the presence of 1s and 0s in the number. Based on that we can establish if the number of 1 aka parity (odd or even)
      • & is good to isolate a bit
  • Question: swap_bits.cc

    • Swapping two distinct bits from a number X.
    • In order to do that we can use the >> (shift) operator to isolate the two bits. Then we can create two new numbers (0000000) and inject the isolated bits via shift (<<). Finally, we can use the OR | operator to merge the two new numbers and use the XOR ^ operator to switch the bits from the original number.
      • | is useful to merge bits from two numbers
      • ^ is useful to switch a bit on and off in a number
  • Question: reverse_bits.cc

    • We can reverse a numbers bits by using the & operand to isolate the right most bit and re-injecting it to a new number via the << operand.
  • Question: closest_int_same_weight.cc

    • We calculate the weight of a binary stream by calculating the number of 1 in it. For example, for number (3 = 00000011) has a weight of 2.
    • The closest number to 00000011 (3) with the same weight is 00000101 (5).
    • In order to do that we can create a new number (mask = 00000011) that will carry the number to be switched. Example 00000110. The mask is initialized with 11 because we want to guarantee it to change the neighbour bits.
    • The mask will be applied to the original number using the XOR operator ^.
  • Question: primitive_multiple.cc

    • This one is not the most intuitive, but we basically can re-create a add function by using & to find the carry and ^ to merge two numbers. We can repeat the add function X times to simulate a multiplication.
  • Question: primitive_divide.cc

    • We can find the quotient of a division by doing the same strategy as the multiplication problem. We can do N subtractions to a number to find its quotient. Example: n / m = ((n - m) - m) - m...
  • Question: power_x_y.cc

    • We can use the same strategy as the divide problem. pow(m, n) can be found by doing result = ((m * m) * m) * m about n times. If the exponential is negative remember to 1 / result
  • Question: reverse_digits.cc

    • In order to reverse a number (int) we can use % to extract the right most digit. Additionally we can do * 10 to keep increasing your reversed number.
  • Question: is_number_palindrome.cc

    • This question is similar to reverse_digits.cc. We can use the same logic to reverse the number and check if it is equal to the original one.
  • Question: uniform_random_number.cc

    • We can use the << operator and the randomization function to create unique numbers. On that note, we can limit the size of the number based on the number of possibilities (lower bound - great bound).
  • Question: rectangle_intersection.cc

    • No need to use bitwise operators to solve this problem. Basically we start checking if the rectangles intersect, after that we can calculate the size of the new intersection rectangle.