
A coding challenge to create a YouTube Clone. I also use this repo for React Testing Breakouts

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Daniel's YouTube Clone

Deployed site: https://danielyoutubeclone.herokuapp.com/

Getting Started

  1. Please fork and clone this repo.
  2. npm install to install dependencies.
  3. cd src/actions/ change into the actions directory.
  4. touch apiKey.js to create an apiKey file.
  5. Visit the Google Developers Console and select 'Credentials'.
  6. Click on 'Create Credentials' and follow the steps to obtaining an API Key.
  7. inside of apiKey.js add the API Key. Your file shoudl look like this:

export default API_KEY
  1. cd ../../ to go back to the root directory.
  2. npm start to launch the app on localhost:3000.
  3. Enjoy some youtube videos!!