- Bewijzen en redeneren: test at the start of every lecture.
- Bewijzen en redeneren: exercise session : prepare all exercises beforehand.
- Bewijzen en redeneren: small homework assignment after every lecture.
- Declaratieve talen: review course material before exercise sessions.
- Lineaire algebra: Pearson - Always learning - my lab (online platform).
- Lineaire algebra: Read the next chapter before the lesson.
- Logica: LogicPalet (can be done through the entire year).
- Objectgericht programmeren: Before every lecture study the material to be seen in the lecture.
- Wiskunde I: Exercises (see toledo) before every exercise sitting.
2 projects during the course of the semester. (25 hours) (8/20 points, deadlines to be announced soon)
- Open-book exercise (50%)
- Closed-book theory (50%)
A test at the start of every lecture (once every two weeks). This test contains questions about all previous seen material. Counts for 5% per test. (total = 25%) Be there in time!
Prepare all exercises beforehand. The session is to clarify the ones that a lot of people had trouble with solving. The session is not sufficient to make all the exercises.
After every lecture a small homework assignment is given. Send this in before the exercise session. (no grade) (toledo for specific assignment)
- theoretical: answering questsions that are treated in the course material
- practical: solve NEW problems by applying the seen course material
Review course material, no need to prepare the exercises before.
- Prolog (12.5%): 8-9/11/2017 (temporary date!)
- Haskell (12.5%): 13-14/12/2017 (temporary date!)
Written exam: write a Prolog and Haskell program (taken on a school-pc tha runs linux) This course is known as one of the courses where the most people fail.
Pearson - always learning - my lab (part of your handbook)
- Algebra
- Differential equasion - ODE
- Differential equastion - PDE (extra classes)
Obligatory through LogicPalet can be done through the entire year.
between 23-11 and 6-12 (5%)
Before every lecture, study the material that will be treated. The lectures will be too fast to get stuck on the basics during a lecture. A rough understanding is crucial.
After every lecture there is a homework assignment. This assignment is mandatory.
Before every exercise sitting a set of exercises (see toledo) should be finished