
All of the files I used to create this music

Primary LanguageSuperCollider

Arrangements for voice

alt text

• Whatsitdo?

SuperCollider sends MIDI to Reaper.

• Why tho?

I wanted to explore the idea of the uncanny valley. This is in a sense a failed experiment as I feel I ended up with something that is very easily identifiable as not sung by a living breathing vocal ensemble. At least not in realtime. So I ran with that and went in the other direction with some choices I made later down the line in the post production. For example; Instead of going for a lush convolution reverb in an effort to try to gel over and lessen the impact of the apparent artificiality I took the opposite course of action. I felt that the artificiality in how these voices were recorded firstly, and then sequenced secondly, was too strong to try to negate. What little width there was in these recordings I did away with. There is a compounding of artificialities here that fascinates me. I set out to map routes through the uncanny valley. I may have never entered into it. At the end of my journey, like I imagine so many explorers throughout history, I found myself in a strange place, decidedly not where I had intended to end up, having drawn no map.

• Now what?

Well, you could try to get these files running on your machine. If you are interested in how this was done then that might be interesting. It's MIDI, so you could send it to anything that accepts MIDI. You could mess around with it and maybe find your own thing.

Released on CO-DEPENDENT February 19 2019.