- 1
Improvement: add max range attribute
#195 opened by DennisZhangOiler - 9
- 1
- 3
Problems while migrating to Angular 17.3.2
#194 opened by Robin-Bley - 3
Max Date doesn't work properly
#164 opened by imdanielaalves - 2
getting error while importing in app module
#168 opened by Dhamu143 - 3
CSS style not imported in web component
#132 opened by bmickoski - 1
Testing with jest - Unexpected value 'OwlDateTimeModule' imported by the module
#150 opened by inpercima - 1
⚠️⚠️ Looking For Maintainers ⚠️⚠️
#202 opened by danielmoncada - 1
- 1
filter not exported from rxjs, Error is thrown when ng build is ran for production configuration for Angular 17
#204 opened by pavandixit93 - 2
Angular 18
#200 opened by joazco - 6
Some help needed I upgraded a product to Angular 18.0.3 and there is a peer dependency
#201 opened by lkovari - 0
- 1
No way to clear datepicker value
#147 opened by alexbu92 - 2
Luxon CustomDateTimeAdapter incompatabilities
#186 opened by Venators - 0
Unable to edit time using keyboard
#192 opened by fahadabbasi5 - 3
- 0
- 1
FormControlName doesn't display date
#190 opened by MatthewLHolden - 19
Angular 17
#188 opened by neodescis - 2
- 1
Support: Define return from input to ISO 8601
#185 opened by edudebortoli - 3
Angular 16 support
#181 opened by raulnoz - 1
danielmoncada / date-time-picker moment
#169 opened by nharshavreddy - 0
Double Click on date closes dialog.
#126 opened by amalgyte - 1
Picker in dynamically added modal
#179 opened by alpozgur - 3
Missing CSS assets `exports` entry in published library `package.json` generates build errors with Angular 15
#173 opened by KeithGillette - 0
How to add custom id, class or data attribute to 'Set' and 'Cancel' buttons?
#177 opened by MariaLazarenko - 3
- 5
Angular 15 Support
#172 opened by mmoreno79 - 0
Manually input random numbers and got valid outputs. These input fields should be all invalid.
#170 opened by memenpu - 0
Start time changes when typing end time
#162 opened by leeviViertola - 0
extending NativeDateTimeAdapter: error NG2003: No suitable injection token for parameter 'owlDateTimeLocale' of class 'CustomDateTimeAdapter'
#166 opened by NishaJKulal - 0
Invalid Date
#165 opened by imdanielaalves - 6
Angular V14 support
#160 opened by klemenzeleznik - 0
Calendar popup position
#159 opened by anura-apps - 0
dialog mode, only calendar issues
#157 opened by tanmayrsm - 18
Upgrade to ng 13
#141 opened by danielmoncada - 1
Use ivy in partial mode when compiling
#151 opened by pfms84 - 0
how to use this picker in shadow Dom enabled mode
#153 opened by SkCodeRains - 0
Bypass time start refresh on rangemode
#152 opened by jbval - 12
Missing dependency "Moment" on new and upgraded projects, while using OwlNativeDateTimeModule
#125 opened by florisvanderhaar - 1
hijri support
#120 opened by abdulrahman1997x - 13
Angular V13 support.
#133 opened by Mekacher-Anis - 1
Allow customization for strings
#128 opened by jnthnwn - 5
Error: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker/lib/date-time/adapter/native-date-time-adapter.class'
#130 opened by zhenokin - 0
- 0
Keyboard accessability
#127 opened by jessie-james - 0