This a genetic algorithm that generates strategies (probability distributions) in Rock, Paper, Scissors.

When executing the file, type the population and number of game turns that you want as arguments.
Ex. ./ 100 50 (for 100 population, 50 game turns).

The classes have been designed in such a way that you can run the algorithm on
a game of your choosing, assuming the game can be classified by the following

1. Uniform turns, ie. actions are the same on every turn of gameplay.
2. Actions that can be compared for the purpose of outputting a win, loss or a
draw. Your program need not allow for draws.

If you are using this project as a framework, you must create a number of
functions within your game class (eg. There is a
template file in place to demonstrate which functions are necessary. These
functions perform simple tasks such as returning which player wins given two
inputs, generation the initial population, killing weak organisms and replacing
them with newly bred organisms, etc.

You should also create a SubOrganism class (eg. that extends This includes any specific rules for your organisms. It is here
that a tuple containing the possible actions for a player should be
initialized. This file can be nearly identical. Note, however, that in its
current incarnation, organism.rps is used instead of a more general attribute
name such as organism.distribution or organism.dist. You should set this
attribute to match your game class, though this attribute name may be
susceptible to change in the future.