
An extremely hacky script for outputting a comparison between a 20 and 30 year mortgage plan.

Primary LanguagePython

This is a simple script to compare two strategies for mortgage payments:

  • 30 year plan
    • lower monthly payments
    • more total paid toward mortgage
    • Strategy: invest money that is not being spent on higher payments for entire 30 years
  • 20 year plan
    • higher monthly payments
    • less total paid toward mortgage
    • Strategy: invest money that is not being spent on mortgage for last 10 years


The conclusion is that spending less monthly on a mortgage means losing less money overall due to 30 year investments being significantly more lucrative.

Total spend:

  • 30 years: $455760
  • 20 years: $399600

Additional spent with 30 year mortgage: -56160

Total spend after mortgage and investments:

  • 30 years: $-121745.34
  • 20 years: $-198962.49