
Create AWS resources/services using Terraform and connecting to remote EC2 through VSCode

Primary LanguageHCL

Terraform + AWS + VSCode

Provision an EC2 instance in AWS, allowing remote access. Based on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRaai1IBlB0


  • Create an IAM user with Access Key access
  • Update ./aws/credentials adding the new profile with access key and secret
  • ssh-keygen -t ed25519 to create key/pair
  • ssh -i ~/.ssh/vscode_terraform ubuntu@<public_ip> to ssh into remote EC2 instance




  • terraform init - initializes terraform and creates the .terraform.lock file
  • terraform plan - will display wich changes will be applied (added, changed, destroyed)
  • terraform apply - adds, changes or destroy resources
    • can be used with -auto-approve
    • can be used with -replace aws_instance.vscode_terraform_instance (forces the execution when there's no change in State)
    • can be used with -refresh-only updates the State
    • can be used with -var="host_os=windows" to specify variable values
    • can be used with -var-file="linux-tfvars" to use a file with variable values
  • terraform state list - lists the resources that were created
  • terraform state show <resource_name> - shows resource details (<resource_name> could be aws_vpc.vscode_terraform_vpc)
  • terraform show - shows the entire state
  • terraform plan -destroy - lists what would be destroyed
  • terraform destroy - destroy all resources created by terraform (can be used with -auto-approve)
  • terraform fmt - fixes all the inconsistencies in format
  • terraform console - opens up a console where you can, for example, check variable values (like var.host_os)
  • terraform output - prints the outputs