S Task

A simple full stack todo lis

App is live at

How It's Made:


  • JavaScript
  • Node
  • Express
  • EJS
  • CSS(flexbox)
  • MongoDB

Users are able to create a todo list. Users may mark tasks complete or incomplete. Additionally they are able to delete tasks either individually, or by whether they are completed, as well as clearing the entire task list.

Lessons Learned:

Through building this app, I was able to get comfortable with the basics of GET, PUT, POST and DELETE. As well as further familiarizing myself in using EJS.


As someone with no background in art, styling could definitely use improvements.

Optimize CSS

Some of the code needs to refactored for better readabiility. Some deprecated code (bodyparser) needs to be updated

Upcoming features:

  • Creating a user account
  • Accessibilty features like, high contrast and zoom in options
  • Making multiple lists per user and keep track of them

Running the app Locally


npm install

Things to add

  • Create a .env file and add the following as key = value
    • PORT = 2121 (can be any port example: 3000)
    • DB_STRING = your database URI

(don't forget to add your .env to .gitIgnore to keep your secrets a secret)


npm start