
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Deal streaming service is a service written in python using flask, with two HTTP endpoints. The root URL for both endpoints is /product-price.

The first endpoint aggregates ProductPrice changes via POST requests.

The second endpoint serves as a search on ProductPrice entities for the cheapest price matching the SKU. This request is a GET.

Local requirements

  • Python 3.9
  • openapi-generator (for generating python code from api spec)

Running the code

$ python3 -m openapi_server

Running the tests

$ python3 test.py

Generate open API boilerplate

$ openapi-generator generate -i api.yaml -g python-flask -o build/

Tagging a new release

$ git tag -a <version> -m "<tag message>"
$ git push origin <version>

GitHub will run the build-and-publish.yaml workflow, resulting in a docker image being pushed to GitHub Container Registry if CI/CD completes successfully.

Postman integration

api.postman_collection.json can be imported into Postman for easier api testing.