
A collection of ideas

Primary LanguageClojure

Seeds for apps

  1. buoyancy - app for helping ideas rise
  2. constellation - dot to dot icebreaker
  3. food chain - meal planner and fridge management system
  4. dream diary - with 16 dream questions
  5. power ranges - track your strength in different rep ranges
  6. resonance - talking back app for focusing
  7. arrows - a multiway dictionary for meaning
  8. focusing map to the body
  9. amino acid profile tracker for vegans
  10. language learning app
  11. ferment tracker - track what you have fermenting
  12. supermarket sweep - put in the aisles in your supermarket and your shopping list and get the pick order
  13. Farmer C - figure out your nutritional needs by leveraging your food preferences
  14. Tuber - ride sharing app
  15. Betting app for positivity
  16. Allchestra - play music across devices
  17. Half life - repeatable to-do items that decay over time for e.g. cleaning, items in fridges
  18. Talkback - random comebacks
  19. Capsule - formula based wardrobes and food ideas
  20. Taperer - calculate drug tapers


Sprouts contains all the reusable bite Everything else goes in it's own namespace

Choose the app you want to work on by setting it in sprouts.entry-point

Start development with shadow-cljs watch app / expo-cli start