
Simon's Rock multilingual phrasebook

Simon's Rock multilingual phrasebook

This is a project to construct a multilingual database of phrases that would be generally useful for communication on the Simon's Rock campus.

This is an experiment, so if you run into problems, ask someone! We will all learn something.

To contribute

Contributions of new translations are welcome. Please only provide translations for a language in which you are a native, fully fluent speaker. If you want to contribute translations for a classical language with no native speakers, please make sure you are truly fluent in the language. You will have to use your judgement.

You can contribute in one of two ways.

Using github

  1. Create a github account, and fork this repository to your account.

  2. Clone the repository to your computer, or decide to edit online within github.

  3. Add the translations for a new language, or make edits if you feel appropriate.

  4. Commit the changes.

  5. Send me a pull request when you are happy.


  1. Type out the translations in your language in a clean file and e-mail them to me.

Guidelines for translation

  1. Please use only the target language, even if you might normally use English when speaking with friends here at Simon's Rock.

  2. Please try to be colloquial, using the kind of language you would normally use to talk to a professor or student at Simon's Rock. Not too formal.

  3. If you think of any more useful phrases, add them to the end.